Breaking News Youth in Nigeria have taken to the streets to protest police brutality #EndSARS

Race Jones

gangster. grace. alchemy
Jan 26, 2017
“After years of horror stories of brazen extortion, illegal detentions and gruesome murders at the hands of local police, young Nigerians are out on the streets to demand the government scrap the police’s notorious Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) unit.

For the past two days, young Nigerians have protested in front of the Lagos state house of assembly—at day and at night. It’s an in-person manifestation of a long-running anti-SARS campaigns on social media platforms. Now the protests are rapidly spreading to several other states, and Abuja, Nigeria’s federal capital.”

Police forces across the globe are running amok. may we all be liberated!!!!
I got nuff Nigerians bredrins they say the police out there are wiiiiiiiiild like if you have an English accent they straight rob you so they must be vicious to the locals
What makes it worst is that you cant even blame it on white supremacy. At the end of the day, power corrupts big time. There need to be a stable checks and balances. Maybe citizens should have a choice who becomes a cop. A vote by Citizens of the community the cop will be protecting. If the cop does something illegal, they will be put on the podium to either keep their job or voted out from their job.
No matter who’s in power it will eventually become corrupt.

regardless of race
Crazy the other side of my family Nigerian I haven’t looked too much in this