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"You Can't Date White Women and Be Pro Black", but I bet you'll smash Candace Owens though.

how can you pro Black and anti-Black family? cause if you have kids they are mixed and if they make the same decision, All of the Blackness is gone. can't be pro Black if all of your wealth goes elsewhere because of your decisions.
Black people seek validation instead of liberation, period . Nothing validates a black life like a white cosign unfortunately. It's basic psychology
How he don’t have a Michael k Williams scar is baffling.

So much concern with what the next man doing ol busy body ass nigga

No way he talk like this to the general public. No way.
That would prove his point if some dude with a white woman slashed his face over his snowbunny
That would prove his point if some dude with a white woman slashed his face over his snowbunny
Not necessarily about the snow bunny but the fact that he trying to tell the next man how to live.

But again, he would have to actually be bold enough to say the shit irl and not on a podcast.

You’ll never see a pundit bold enough to keep the same energy in their local barber shop
FUCK NO you can’t be pro black dating outside your race period, ask yourself if MLK or Malcom X was dating YT women would the black community still support HELL NAH. But the pro black bullshit on the internet is nothing but grifting like Umar don’t give af about black people he knows the community is thirsty for that type of rhetoric and he can make a easy dollar nigga traveling the world off the backs of poor black people.
FUCK NO you can’t be pro black dating outside your race period, ask yourself if MLK or Malcom X was dating YT women would the black community still support HELL NAH. But the pro black bullshit on the internet is nothing but grifting like Umar don’t give af about black people he knows the community is thirsty for that type of rhetoric and he can make a easy dollar nigga traveling the world off the backs of poor black people.
I meeeean now Malcolm Little loved the company of a white woman

MLK was rumored to have been smashing white women and black women,but no solid proof is out from what I know
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Depends on what you consider pro Black. Like, if you subscribe to a self proclaimed pro Black media figure and let them tell you how who you love/date/fuck vaildates your pro Black status, I can't consider you pro Black.

I would say that if you're a hard lined/militant/afrocentric who believes in separation of the races or prioritizing black issues over everything else, then you can't really be that type of black person and date outside of your race. That's what Umar is, and from that perspective I can see why he says what he says.

I just disagree that you have to be like that to be considered pro-black. To me, pro-black just means that you're and advocate for the upliftment of black people. You can be that without a lot of these restrictions the hard liners want to put on people.
If you look at things from a cultural view it would be seen as a no

But if someone falls in love and chooses to be with someone of a different race it’s hypocritical to say he’s not

You don’t know who someone may actually be compatible with…
Black men can be pro black and procreate with an other.

Black women can’t be pro black and procreate with an other.

Black men will still produce black children with any race.

A black women will have a child of whatever the race the father is.

I understand what you're trying to say, as power in a patriarchal system flows down the male lineage. However, that doesn't really work in America. In America, if you look like you have black in you, you're black. It doesn't matter to the holders of power what race each parent is.
I agree... in my opinion, it's no bigger honor or decision than to choose who you marry or give your seed too.. You're pro black but you don't think highly enough of a black woman or man to choose them to build with? It just doesn't compute
Maybe they see a PERSON as a companion, not downing a whole race.
Personally ... I vowed if I didn't wife up or procreate with a Black woman... I wouldn't marry or procreate with ANY other race ... Ever

I can't speak for other black people in sexual or marital relationships with Caucasians or other races ... But for the ones who are what you'd call pro black or more visible with their 'blackness' especially in the entertainment industry. ... I always put the asterisk '✳️' by their names
This brother is typically not partial when it comes to black men. He is usually part of the black man bad, woman good group but I wanted to post this anyway.
