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"You Can't Date White Women and Be Pro Black", but I bet you'll smash Candace Owens though.

Shit happens bro. If a dude is stationed at some base in the middle of white America, does it mean he's not down for uplifting the black community just because he wound up with a white woman?

If a dude is putting in work that benefits the black community, how would his choice in mates change that?
I would just think you would want your household to also look like the people you are putting all this work in for 🤷🏾‍♂️
I would just think you would want your household to also look like the people you are putting all this work in for 🤷🏾‍♂️

Ideally, you would, which is why I'd agree that you can't be pro-black and prefer nonblack women. I just believe that it's possible for a dude to find himself in a position where his best option happens to be a white chick. In those cases, I don't think that precludes those dudes from being pro-black. I live in a mostly black area. There are mixed couples here. You can't tell me these dudes that are living in the community, bringing money to the community, volunteering in the community, etc... aren't pro-black just because they have a white, hispanic, asian, etc... wife. That doesn't make sense. There are plenty of dudes married to black women that don't do half that shit. They shouldn't have a better claim on being down for the cause just because of who they married.
Ideally, you would, which is why I'd agree that you can't be pro-black and prefer nonblack women. I just believe that it's possible for a dude to find himself in a position where his best option happens to be a white chick. In those cases, I don't think that precludes those dudes from being pro-black. I live in a mostly black area. There are mixed couples here. You can't tell me these dudes that are living in the community, bringing money to the community, volunteering in the community, etc... aren't pro-black just because they have a white, hispanic, asian, etc... wife. That doesn't make sense. There are plenty of dudes married to black women that don't do half that shit. They shouldn't have a better claim on being down for the cause just because of who they married.
I want to give this some more thought before I respond
The whole line of thinking is stupid. Imagine giving a fuck who helped put food on your table, money on your books in jail or helped with your college tuition significant others skin color? Smh. “You said his wife’s name is Margret? I can’t accept this money.”
You’re not operating at your highest level if you’re not with a black spouse. It’s like one of those things where I can’t believe you and what you claim to think because if you’re truly pro black, why isn’t your spouse black? Why would you not want to represent what we could be by coming to a situation with a black spouse, you create a strong culture by making a legitimate family and then establishing a stronger one where we represent our communities by working with one another and removing certain stumbling blocks so we don’t get plagued by them.

Pat Mahomes senior is black, with a white wife.

He had Patrick Mahomes and Jackson Bussy Mahomes.

He too has a white wife. So if that’s your personal business, it’s your business. Yet if people believed they was pro black but essentially they watered their gene pool so to say, what exactly was pro black about that? Now granted, that’s a specific example, but still things like that are bound to happen as you create the example of who you’re showing what a loving home should look like.

So again, do what you want, but i don’t believe the motive.
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Ideally, you would, which is why I'd agree that you can't be pro-black and prefer nonblack women. I just believe that it's possible for a dude to find himself in a position where his best option happens to be a white chick. In those cases, I don't think that precludes those dudes from being pro-black. I live in a mostly black area. There are mixed couples here. You can't tell me these dudes that are living in the community, bringing money to the community, volunteering in the community, etc... aren't pro-black just because they have a white, hispanic, asian, etc... wife. That doesn't make sense. There are plenty of dudes married to black women that don't do half that shit. They shouldn't have a better claim on being down for the cause just because of who they married.
Idk man

The Internet has made the world super small. You can always online date someone even it's long distance

Using your example, I would assume there's some sort of dating app for veterans to possibly meet other veterans so if you're in a predominantly white area cause of the base you've been assigned to, there has to be some area within a couple hours drive with some black people no?

I still think it boils down to a choice. I personally don't want to have to be no white person's interpretator about black shit and I'm definitely not trying to hear about their shit.
Idk man

The Internet has made the world super small. You can always online date someone even it's long distance

Using your example, I would assume there's some sort of dating app for veterans to possibly meet other veterans so if you're in a predominantly white area cause of the base you've been assigned to, there has to be some area within a couple hours drive with some black people no?

I still think it boils down to a choice. I personally don't want to have to be no white person's interpretator about black shit and I'm definitely not trying to hear about their shit.

lol I been out of the game for a minute, but from everything I've heard whether its through apps or in person, dating is hard these days and people don't always find the one they wind up with when on the prowl. A lot of people meet spouses through friends/coworkers, at school, at work, through extracurricular activities, etc... Like I said before, access is what matters. A dude could be doing what you're suggesting and striking out, and then just meet a white chick at a function on the base and it turn into something. I can say for myself, other than my wife, all the meaningful relationships I've had with women popped up from random circumstance. They were all black, but that's because I've largely been in black areas for most of my life.

Him being a grifter aside, Umar has a habit of saying good/correct things, but not really making good points. His stance of wanting to keep black families strong to preserve the race is fine. However, him saying that the reason black families aren't strong is because black men keep dating out of the race, is wrong and dumb. First, that stereotype has been debunked plenty of times. Stats show that the majority of successful black men marry black women. More importantly, I think he's mistaking a symptom for a cause. Right now, we do see a lot of black men and black women dating outside of the race. Umar talks like that is the cause of the woes in the black community. In reality, the truth is that, for some reason that escapes me, a lot of black men and women just seem to be beefing with each other, and that seems to be leading to passport bro and divestment movements. That beefing is the sickness. If we can somehow fix that, we'd see an end to some of these harmful movements. At the end of the day, this country is still very segregated and it's natural for people to date along racial lines. If there isn't something in place to push the men and women of a race apart, more often than not, they will wind up together.
lol I been out of the game for a minute, but from everything I've heard whether its through apps or in person, dating is hard these days and people don't always find the one they wind up with when on the prowl. A lot of people meet spouses through friends/coworkers, at school, at work, through extracurricular activities, etc... Like I said before, access is what matters. A dude could be doing what you're suggesting and striking out, and then just meet a white chick at a function on the base and it turn into something. I can say for myself, other than my wife, all the meaningful relationships I've had with women popped up from random circumstance. They were all black, but that's because I've largely been in black areas for most of my life.

I'm sure there's someone black out there this brother in this example

But I appreciate the respectful back and forth
How he don’t have a Michael k Williams scar is baffling.

So much concern with what the next man doing ol busy body ass nigga

No way he talk like this to the general public. No way.