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yall staying or dipping ?

would you stay or dip?

  • Stay, I got time to spare

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Dip, My time is valuable

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Eh…

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters
I smoke weed.I'm always late.

I don't get all bent outta shape about late ppl being late cause I be late half or more of the time.

I know a lot of times I'm trying to get out the house and it's like the final destination spirit is stopping me.

"Oh where's those black pants.Damn the shower head is broke.Ohhh shit ,I got no clean socks.Fuck,where's my phone?,Where's my charger?Shit,where's the remote to turn the TV off.where are my car keys?Tried to drink some red koolaid and spilled it all over my shirt.Gotta find a new shirt.Damn it I need gas.Is this tire kinda flat?Why is there traffic here?"
I smoke weed.I'm always late.

I don't get all bent outta shape about late ppl being late cause I be late half or more of the time.

I know a lot of times I'm trying to get out the house and it's like the final destination spirit is stopping me.

"Oh where's those black pants.Damn the shower head is broke.Ohhh shit ,I got no clean socks.Fuck,where's my phone?,Where's my charger?Shit,where's the remote to turn the TV off.where are my car keys?Tried to drink some red koolaid and spilled it all over my shirt.Gotta find a new shirt.Damn it I need gas.Is this tire kinda flat?Why is there traffic here?"

Ahahahaha. Yooooooooo I HATE niggas like you. I got mad reading this shit.
The wait isn't a big deal to me but it's how it's relayed. If you are gonna be 30 minutes late, you know you're gonna be late on the way there already. Can't tell me at the time we're supposed to meet you gonna be that late. That's a bit disrespectful.

I can understand the lateness but I can also understand the not having patience if you don't feel some shit is worth it, so it really would depend on the previous chemistry and how fat my dates ass is.

My friend is always late so I just organise stuff in locations where I can look around shops etc.

Or I give her an earlier time than scheduled.
She don't respect you king.
IDK how a broke shower head or spilling koolaid,or needing gas makes me disorganizeed,but I ain't never gonna be Mr. organized with everything in it's proper folder and cubby.

In school my locker was a hell hole of scattered papers and folders from god knows where.

My book bag was the world of Narnia if you reach down in it long enough.

Don't judge me.

That's why I rap and do street shit,cause I'mma fuckin idiot.
The wait isn't a big deal to me but it's how it's relayed. If you are gonna be 30 minutes late, you know you're gonna be late on the way there already. Can't tell me at the time we're supposed to meet you gonna be that late. That's a bit disrespectful.

I can understand the lateness but I can also understand the not having patience if you don't feel some shit is worth it, so it really would depend on the previous chemistry and how fat my dates ass is.

She don't respect you king.
Lmao I worked with her at one stage. We started work at 9 she be running in every day sweaty at 9:45 talking about the trains were delayed
IDK how a broke shower head or spilling koolaid,or needing gas makes me disorganizeed,but I ain't never gonna be Mr. organized with everything in it's proper folder and cubby.

In school my locker was a hell hole of scattered papers and folders from god knows where.

My book bag was the world of Narnia if you reach down in it long enough.

Don't judge me.

That's why I rap and do street shit,cause I'mma fuckin idiot.
Shower heads don't suddenly break, they slowly break down. You knew and you waiting, prolly busy wondering why that bolt is loose. Cool Aid spill is not focusing on one task. The Shower head turned into the loose bolt and the dusty floor board trim you noticed whole picking up a fluff off the floor. Gas isn't a surprise either and had you not been running late cuz that flipping shower head you would have got gas. Actually this might be ADHD 🤔 lol jk bro
30 minutes not bad. Either Im going to the bar, explore my surroundings for the time or simply chill in the car, browsing on the phone until she pull up in 30 minutes.
Waiting 30 min wouldnt be an issue for me, if they let me know from early that they're going to be late. But when you gotta call people to find out where you at, and thats when they decide to tell you they are going to be late, thats the shit that irks me. Shows you they dont respect your time.
Shower heads don't suddenly break, they slowly break down. You knew and you waiting, prolly busy wondering why that bolt is loose. Cool Aid spill is not focusing on one task. The Shower head that turned into the loose bolt and the dusty floor board trim you noticed whole picking up a fluff off the floor. Gas isn't a surprise either and had you not been running late cuz that flipping shower head you would have got gas. Actually this might be ADHD 🤔 lol jk bro
Nah sometimes shit just breaks.I ain't checking for no bolts.Yolo I live life in a world storm.

I am focusing on one task,drinking my Kool-aid.That elf tilts the cup one centimeter too far.

I don't even look at my gas tank until that shit orange.Refer back to the elf who stands in front of it while I drive preventing me from checking it.

I wouldn't be surprised if I had ADHD,but it's more mainly the weed and my general nonchalant who gives a fuck demeanor.

I'mma blame that on the elves too.I'm sure there's more than one working in unison to destroy me.

Even if I was organized, it wouldn't matter because the massive amounts of weed I smoke would still make me forget where I perfectly organized that shit so I wouldn't lose it,and I would still lose it and be late to our noon meeting.
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  • Haha
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I took a picture of one of the elves one day.IDK if they're elves or trolls,but even they're elves who troll and if they're trolls they're trolls who troll.

I think I conjured them from the Narnia like portal in my middle school book bag.

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  • Goat
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Judging by the way he responded…he clearly wasn’t that into her or was probably anticipating the worst so he decided to leave before thinking he would end up being embarrassed.

Seems like she was more willing to get there and looked forward to the evening…but his reaponse made her apathetic as well.

I would probably dip, but my response wouldn’t be the same as his. First of all I wouldn’t text, I would call her to make sure she was ok and see how far she was. I would let her know what’s going on and find another time to meet up or maybe even find a more secluded place.

texting in these situations doesn’t really show care or concern..
Nah sometimes shit just breaks.I ain't checking for no bolts.Yolo I live life in a world storm.

I am focusing on one task,drinking my Kool-aid.That elf tilts the cup one centimeter too far.

I don't even look at my gas tank until that shit orange.Refer back to the elf who stands in front of it while I drive preventing me from checking it.

I wouldn't be surprised if I had ADHD,but it's more mainly the weed and my general nonchalant who gives a fuck demeanor.

I'mma blame that on the elves too.I'm sure there's more than one working in unison to destroy me.

Even if I was organized, it wouldn't matter because the massive amounts of weed I smoke would still make me forget where I perfectly organized that shit so I wouldn't lose it,and I would still lose it and be late to our noon meeting.
Fucking potheads....why are we like this!?!? You blame elves, I blame tulpas I've prolly created. I could give up weed, but I also believe you need one bad habit or you'll evaporate like Jesus and go to heaven so.....
Fucking potheads....why are we like this!?!? You blame elves, I blame tulpas I've prolly created. I could give up weed, but I also believe you need one bad habit or you'll evaporate like Jesus and go to heaven so.....
Blame it on the elve's yeahhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh
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I would wait. If I'm at the bar fuck I'm here now of shorty don't show I'm not too cool to have dinner with myself and a drink. Hell might meet someone
whats crazy to me is yall agree to a time for a date but not texting saying your going to be late. He has to text you saying he there. Then you take finally think hey im going to tell him i gonna be late. So if he wouldnt have text you first, would she even have let him know she was going to be late??
texting in these situations doesn’t really show care or concern..
Calling her while she's driving is dangerous. Shouldn't even be texting for that matter but dude didn't know where she was.
Add to that she's a woman driving a car that's like aiding and abetting
Calling her while she's driving is dangerous. Shouldn't even be texting for that matter but dude didn't know where she was.
Add to that she's a woman driving a car that's like aiding and abetting

I’d rather call than text….especially if driving…what was even the point of you telling me this? Lol

if you’re driving it’s safer to talk than text…or just pull over