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yall staying or dipping ?

would you stay or dip?

  • Stay, I got time to spare

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Dip, My time is valuable

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Eh…

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters
Use to talk to a chick that was a firm believer of making the man wait. I told her that's the stupidest shit I ever heard of in my life. I'm like this if I'm offering to take you out to get to know you the least you can do if you feeling me is be on time.
I tried telling her early even left her while she was coming to the car for being late. She got on board after like 2 weeks but she was telling me i was wrong. Mofo would be late to any and everything I'm like not worth me you ain't
30 mins is nothing, he was already gonna be there for that amt of time anyway

But his response leads me to believe there is some history between them that told him 30 mins was a lie
For a first date, I dont mind waiting 30 mins. Our previous conversations made me interested in her so I will make an exception. I dont like my time wasted either. You will have a red flag on you though. Besides, I made time to come out for a few hours. So it is not the worst thing. Never know, the date could still be great. I make it a point to leave my house early in first impressions. I usually get to a spot like 20mins before. I may not go in but gives me time in case I run into traffic.
Imo, it really comes down to how much the person values your time. A date I once had, I texted her saying I hit traffice can we push date time back 30m and she was understand. How much you value each other's time and it can always be adjusted
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I’m a stupid patient person… sometimes it’s a bad thing… but I’d wait it out… max would be 1 hour unless she was in consistent communication about her travels… “traffic, almost there, get an appetizer, new location” etc… but if she’s just late with no communication I’d bounce
I'd wait it out. I'm at a restaurant...with alcohol...and appetizers...and my phone. Thirty minutes is doable.

But I hate chronic tardiness. If this is a consistent thing, at a certain point, I'm gonna have to bow out and move on.
I'd wait it out. I'm at a restaurant...with alcohol...and appetizers...and my phone. Thirty minutes is doable.

But I hate chronic tardiness. If this is a consistent thing, at a certain point, I'm gonna have to bow out and move on.

My friend is always late so I just organise stuff in locations where I can look around shops etc.

Or I give her an earlier time than scheduled.