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Poll Y'all going to war if the US military calls?

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Again, there aint no country that can invade the US homeland as of today but the reason no country can has nothing to do with the public having guns.
I ain't one for conspiracy theories, but some where online some dude breaking down that shooting in Vegas. Saying that other countries around the world got agents that move around America on some super agent shit. They use Amercian citizens as assets to carry out terroristic actions. The government know but dont speak on it cause it would evaporate the false sense of security that Americans have about America.

Like..even if aliens was real, shit would be hidden cause the government feel like the false sense of security that religion brings is the only thing keeping mufuckas from purging.
Yall remember that bomb that was dropped in Afganistan a few years back? The one that was the biggest bomb ever dropped not counting the atom bombs?

And then Russia laughed at that and said if thats yall biggest none nuke bomb then we got some shit that makes that look like baby shit?

And yall remember the US navy fired the first laser attack against ISIS from a warship at the sea a few years back? Lasers fam. Them shits cut through every thing. Wasnt necessary. America figured they would do a live test cause who knows when theyd get another chance.

If a big time army invades thats the type of shit they coming with.

Fuck outa here with people with regular guns and limited ammo putting fear in a real armies heart.
I ain't one for conspiracy theories, but some where online some dude breaking down that shooting in Vegas. Saying that other countries around the world got agents that move around America on some super agent shit. They use Amercian citizens as assets to carry out terroristic actions. The government know but dont speak on it cause it would evaporate the false sense of security that Americans have about America.

Like..even if aliens was real, shit would be hidden cause the government feel like the false sense of security that religion brings is the only thing keeping mufuckas from purging.

Killing randoms would be a terrible strategy. It accomplishes nothing. No high value target just random people is dumb as fuck
I wouldn't call that conspiracy theory at all. Not a stretch to believe Iran has sleeper cells over here waiting to be activated
I ain't one for conspiracy theories, but some where online some dude breaking down that shooting in Vegas. Saying that other countries around the world got agents that move around America on some super agent shit. They use Amercian citizens as assets to carry out terroristic actions. The government know but dont speak on it cause it would evaporate the false sense of security that Americans have about America.

Like..even if aliens was real, shit would be hidden cause the government feel like the false sense of security that religion brings is the only thing keeping mufuckas from purging.

Fuck a conspiracy bruh. America just said Iran got Hezbollah terrorist sleeper cells in the US and Europe and the biggest fear is Iran using one them to blow something up here at home in a few weeks.

Like I said in the other thread, my worry isnt a conventional war with Iran, my worry is the fact that there are literally dozens of terrorist groups that are ran covertly by Iran all over the West. Im hoping those mfers dont successfully pull off the next 9-11
From CNN.

Administration officials confirmed the existence but not the number or locations of Iranian proxy actors in the Western Hemisphere -- both inside the US and below the southern border -- and warned of attacks possibly coming from Iranian-trained Lebanese Hezbollah, which has sleeper cells in US and European cities, the source familiar with the briefing said.

These mfers basically not only got sleeper cells in the US but also in Mexico ready to cross the border.

Lets hope the intelligence community holds it down. I wouldnt go anywhere crowded for the next weeks.
Killing randoms would be a terrible strategy. It accomplishes nothing. No high value target just random people is dumb as fuck
That's the shit tho..the targets ain't random..it would seem random to people who dont know tho. Mufuckas be valuable international targets.

But regular murder would bring up too much questions
It won't be a traditional war.

They'll probably go after U.S. interests and/or allies/assets abroad before they do anything on U.S. soil.

Remember, Trump just took out their number 2.

So, while it might seem like revenge makes sense on the surface.........the powers that be in Iran are probably concerned about their own safety right now.

Meaning, if Trump can take out their top general........what's to stop us from taking out another high ranking Iranian official?

Sometimes it's good to have a crazy person in office.

Simply because of the fear of not knowing what he might do next if provoked.

Iran probably won't do anything until after the presidential election.

If Trump wins, they'll probably just sit back and take the L.

However, if Elizabeth Warren and/or Biden win...........then they're gonna test them to see how they react under pressure.
There aint a country out there that can successfully invade the US. But in the unlikely chance that a country does invade, it means that country was able to destroy the US army overseas, and destroyed the US navy. Thats the only way they can even cross the oceans to get to the mainland.

But lets say that did happen, at that point the army of that country will bomb the fuck out of each major town that it invades before it sends ground troops.

So before them mfers send in their ground troops, planes will rock shit, then come tanks and mortars, and then ground troops for the clean up.

So all that we have guns shit dont mean nothing.

This is like the fifth time im posting something like this. This irrational trust in mfers with guns stopping either the US army or a foreign army from invading is peak stupidity.

You not fighting a real army that can shoot missles from ships a thousand miles in land, has air planes, long ranged land missles, and armoured vehicles with regular ass people with guns.

At best the foreign army will close all entrances and exists to your town and starve everyone into surrendering and at worst they will carpet bomb the fuck out of everytown and leave us all in rubble.

We also have our defense satellite network to detect any sort of threat heading our way, the National Guard (which is home to our National Missile Defense system), home soil based Air Force, Army, and Marines, plus the Coast Guard. There's enough military firepower and heavy artillery along with missiles around the country to neutralize any attempt at a bombing run or ground attack.

We good.
We also have our defense satellite network to detect any sort of threat heading our way, the National Guard (which is home to our National Missile Defense system), home soil based Air Force, Army, and Marines, plus the Coast Guard. There's enough military firepower and heavy artillery along with missiles around the country to neutralize any attempt at a bombing run or ground attack.

We good.

First sentence you quoted shows I agree with you fam.

Those reasons you mentioned are why the US will never get invaded. We good at the homeland. But because of those reasons though, not the regular people with guns shits.
First sentence you quoted shows I agree with you fam.

Those reasons you mentioned are why the US will never get invaded. We good at the homeland. But because of those reasons though, not the regular people with guns shits.

The "regular people with guns" shits is just a way of saying that even if they managed to get boots on the ground there's still the citizens to deal with alongside our military.

Do you really think that hasn't been taken into account? 'cause it genuinely has.
It won't be a traditional war.

They'll probably go after U.S. interests and/or allies/assets abroad before they do anything on U.S. soil.

Remember, Trump just took out their number 2.

So, while it might seem like revenge makes sense on the surface.........the powers that be in Iran are probably concerned about their own safety right now.

Meaning, if Trump can take out their top general........what's to stop us from taking out another high ranking Iranian official?

Sometimes it's good to have a crazy person in office.

Simply because of the fear of not knowing what he might do next if provoked.

Iran probably won't do anything until after the presidential election.

If Trump wins, they'll probably just sit back and take the L.

However, if Elizabeth Warren and/or Biden win...........then they're gonna test them to see how they react under pressure.

US officials damn near gauranteed an attack by Iran though.

I think it will be a well thought out attack and not an all out there aint no going back from here attack.

Maybe some missles to saudia oil fields again or something like that.

If they somehow do something on US soil there aint no coming back from that and i dont think they are crazy enough to risk that.
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The "regular people with guns" shits is just a way of saying that even if they managed to get boots on the ground there's still the citizens to deal with alongside our military.

Do you really think that hasn't been taken into account? 'cause it genuinely has.

Im just saying if somehow they were able to get that far, there will be days of bombings to minimize the threat from the citizens.
Im just saying if somehow they were able to get that far, there will be days of bombings to minimize the threat from the citizens.

wouldn't even make it. Our intelligence satellites and other long range detection systems pretty much guarantees we can see them coming. They simply wouldn't make it. Maybe Hawaii gets taken out but that's about it.
Iran #2 just got killed with ease.

They don’t have what it takes to really take this state side
wouldn't even make it. Our intelligence satellites and other long range detection systems pretty much guarantees we can see them coming. They simply wouldn't make it. Maybe Hawaii gets taken out but that's about it.

The theoritical is that they got that far fam. Like my original post said, no one getting that far. But my point remains, if somehow an army was to get rid of the US navy and air force and got this far, the citizens with guns is the easy part.
Also, lets keep it all in perspective.

No way Iran wins a war with the US, but for America, the war isnt worth it. We already proved we have no way of winning wars in the middle east.

In Afganistan for 19 years and now we are actually negotiating with the Taliban on how to best give them their country back and leaving.

17 years in Iraq and Iran got more pull in Iraq then America ever had.

Almost 20 trillion spent and mad national debt and we trying to leave with nothing cause thats the best america can get at this point.

If you go into Iran, that shit will be even harder than Iraq. More money spent. More national debt and more unrest in the middle east and more fuel for radical islamists.

Shit isnt worth it. Its why it hasnt happener till now. Trump trying to win relection though.