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WWE WrestleMania (4/2/22 - 4/3/22)

miz and logan paul vs the mysterios
bianca vs becky
cody vs seth
stone cold vs owens
raw tag team title match
edge vs styles
knoxville vs zayn
pat vs theory
reigns vs lesnar (i guess)

they could’ve kept everything else
take off reigns/lesnar, and Edge/Styles, nix the 2 night format and we should be done by 11:30 atleast
I'll say this, if rock don't show up at Raw tomorrow night then he prolly ain't ever coming back

meh, if it’s not for another whole year (if they’re to do it at WM) , no reason for him to come out, just wait until it’s 3-6 months before
Why do yall want Rock to show up so bad???? And for what??

WWE ain't about to do no year long feud. Give it up. He ain't coming. Next year...maybe. But that's no guarantee.
Hopefully there is a new belt design at Monday night raw
From what Ive read they are still treating them as separate titles. Like how in boxing you different belts (WBC, WBA, etc)

as for now he is the Unified Champ but yes in WWE land since there are only two belts he is technically “Undisputed” if that makes sense
Lol hey, atleast we were all sports entertained. LMAO
I think they gonna have a new belt which they should. This brand split shit just makes things too complicated. Unify the womens and tag belts already.

I expect a new title soon. Like I’ve been saying for months, there’s no point in having a brand extension anymore if you’re not consistently separating the talent. I still think they will end it sometime this year
I knew they was gonna pull that bullshit. I hope y'all happy cause now we're about to get dull ass Drew vs bum ass Roman.
Not hating on Roman winning but the pressure is on WWE to build someone up to be a worthy opponent. Even if you're the gawd of this shit, having a rival always make it better. Brock losing makes it tougher for any ole body to come in and get over now. And don't mention the Rock (lol), he's part time and almost 50 years old. I wouldn't mind seeing McIntyre win but they gotta build that up