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Would you let a trans queer be your child's teacher or baby-sitter

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I never said that. You're entire premise is based in the fact that you think being trans and queer is inherently bad. I don't. So no matter how you frame it as long as you're solely focusing on a person being trans or queer then there will be no other answer you're going to get. Also, he's not derailing the thread. You have on multiple occassions defended what Boosie did as normal and also saying people need to "wake up and stop living in a fantasy world" when it comes to older dudes getting older sometimes grown women to perform sex acts on kids. Yet you're in here trying to say a person being queer or trans alone disqualifies them from being a teacher. I'm willing to bet far more people wouldn't want your influence over a child given that you've actually advocated sexual abuse of children as a right of passage. You'd be the teacher to worry about.

My entire premise is based on a trans-queer is not fit to teach my child, and I made my points to why that they can't teach my child and others have expressed theirs too.
That's not a good look in my opinion.

You stated that a trans-queer has no bearing on children ability to learn, and I stated that when the questions starts to be asked in Sex Education about the teacher's gender and that teacher goes into detail because of the questions that could be asked, trying to explain the answer will cause confusion, why this don't work and that don't work, those answer can cause some confusion or can allow the child to check out, or explore on their own, that's affecting a child's learning, that's not normal behavior.

What kind of influence can a trans-queer teacher present to children?

What dude did is a derailment of what is being discussed, because he can't response like an adult because it goes against his stance and views, so he wanted to try and throw salt in the game as if he's trying to knock down my talking points which goes against his views. when niggas and chicks do personal attacks with no substance, they lack confidence to defend their belief. "You can't defeat logic and truth, so you attack the person"

So instead of trying to make a valid point, he says the goofy shit, didn't explain anything behind, just stated the goofy shit, other than what "he" wanted to state and viewed in his mind and what he took from that Boosie Thread

The Boosie thread, and what I stated, I stated that 13-17 year olds have sex and seek out sex, on their own and some even asked their parents about it, what Boosie did, was when his son asked him about whatever he asked him about, he hired strippers for his son, his son is 14 or 15, Boosie felt that he could give his son a stripper. I stated that most R&B singers and rappers were rapping about sex at a very young age, and most if not majority of the folks on this board were in school or on the play ground, lunch room talking about sex or having sex...
The conversation has nothing to do with having a trans-queer as a teacher, which is why it's dumb, but I see how stuff goes on around here"
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Thoughts on this shit

Is it the school's responsibility to tell the parent that their child has a trans as their teacher?

No, it isn’t the schools responsibility, because it’s not their business to do so. Is it their job to disclose anything going on at the teachers home or personal life journey? What about Christian teachers? Or teachers who swing? This opens to door to complete transparency from the school concerning their staff who are around kids a lot.

If the teacher wants to, cool. But I would expect this won’t be a thing because of how the public perceives these people. This is why they keep this kind of stuff secret, their job and livelihood is on the line.

Either way, it doesn’t matter, as long as the teacher isn’t teaching the children about that mindset or lifestyle. If they’re teaching the required curriculum, then it’s not a problem.

will it make some uncomfortable? sure.But if a parent knows this, they have the ability to move classes or even schools - dramatic responses require dramatic solutions.
Never once because I didn't care about their personal lives so long as it didn't affect their ability to do their jobs affectively. I had a teacher caught doing coke in their classroom. They were far more of a worry to me than the gay teacher. The one teacher that I had that I knew was gay was only because he had a picture of his husband on his desk. Outside of that I would've never known nor cared to know. And so what if the kids ask, that's then on the adult to tell or not to tell. Of course kids have questions, but it's on the adults to give the right answers to those questions and certain shit you're saying kids would ask about has actual answers that can't be disputed. And unless a kid was already considering they didn't feel they were in the right body, simply knowing that people change their sex won't do shit but be another piece of information in their brain they learn. You're caught up in the idea that simply knowing about something will influence you to try it, yet don't see how that logic fails time after time when you apply it elsewhere

Edit: I also had a Western Civilization teacher who was also the Varsity basketball coach who got caught on multiple occassions with female students sitting on his lap in his classroom after school, and after he was finally fired two students flat out admitted to fucking him the entire previous year. But worry about the teacher that's gay or trans being bad for your kids....

That was my mistake, I shouldn't have made it personal, Everybody don't share the same story... I knew the whole, I never seen or heard of x, y, z would be the response.

Kids talk about their teachers in the U.S. believe it or not, but it doesn't apply to you
Here comes the goofy ass derailment,

Niggas don't have anything rebuttal and they state goofy shit to deflect, females and insecure ass niggas do that shit when they can't talk up like a man...@AP21 delete the nigga posts, the shit aint pertaining to the topic and get this nigga outta my thread, he's not on subject with the topic

Nigga act like you over 18 and have an adult discussion or get the fuck out, don't bring yo silly ass in here with that dumb ass shit

I've seen it done before

I ain’t derailed shit you got a history of wild views on sex related topics. On one hand your against trans people being around kids but ok with boosie paying for his kids to get molested by adults. It’s not logical.
I don't beleive that considering there have been transgendered people throughout history. You just see it more because we have more access to media and travel and other lives & lifestyles. And also it's illegal in most peoples to just straight up murder people for being trans (although some people even on this site seem to be iffy on that).

I'm not sure why it's hard for people to grasp the concept of birth defects such as conjoined twins and hermaphrodites and also know that men and women are formed exactly the same in the womb and sex is determined 7 weeks into gestation but can't fathom the idea that sometimes shit goes haywire and the wrong genitals grow on somebody.

It's not that far-fetched at all.

This is a poster with sense
I ain’t derailed shit you got a history of wild views on sex related topics. On one hand your against trans people being around kids but ok with boosie paying for his kids to get molested by adults. It’s not logical.

Dude, you can view things on how you wanna view them, I can't control you how you intake information, especially after I have explained it and laid it out in a way that a 4th grader can pick up on it, but you as a grown ass man can't seem to understand logic and truth/reality. I gave you examples in the Boosie thread, even gave you some in my post about the thread, but you still wanna state the way you wanna see instead the way it was explained. You niggas live in Kansas

Niggas see what they wanna see and intake what they wanna intake to make themselves feel right, I see what @deadeye be talking about
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Would yall be comfortable sending your child to be taught or babysat by a white person that identifies as black? Or a black person that identifies as white? Transracial.

Someone that identifies as otherkin?

Someone that identifies as a jedi.

All real things.

Transracial is not real, Jedi aren’t real, idkwtf other kin is but probably not real. Acting like an x man is not a thing.
Dude, you can view things on how you wanna view them, I can't control you how you intake information, especially after I have explained it and laid it out in a way that a 4th grader can pick up on it, but you as a grown ass man can't seem to understand logic and truth/reality. I gave you examples in the Boosie thread, even gave you some in my post about the thread, but you still wanna state the what you wanna see. You niggas live in Kansas

Niggas see what they wanna see and intake what they wanna intake to make themselves feel right, I see what @deadeye be talking about

Bro I’m keep it real I skipped like 5 pages because I already know every rebuttal y’all got every weird as point that not based in reality. I don’t read y’all guys post on this topic. Same way I don’t read cracker opinions on black issues. But I will call y’all shit stupid everytime.
My entire premise is based on a trans-queer is not fit to teach my child, and I made my points to why that they can't treat my child and others have expressed theirs too.
That's not a good look in my opinion.

You stated that a trans-queer has no bearing on children ability to learn, and I stated that when the questions starts to be asked in Sex Education about the teacher's gender and that teacher goes into detail because of the questions that could be asked, trying to explain the answer will cause confusion, why this don't work and that don't work, those answer can cause some confusion or can allow the child to check out, or explore on their own, that's affecting a child's learning, that's not normal behavior.

What kind of influence can a trans-queer teacher present to children?

What dude did is a derailment of what is being discussed, because he can't response like an adult because it goes against his stance and views, so he wanted to try and throw salt in the game as if he's trying to knock down my talking points which goes against his views. when niggas and chicks do personal attacks with no substance, they lack confidence to defend their belief. "You can't defeat logic and truth, so you attack the person"

So instead of trying to make a valid point, he says the goofy shit, didn't explain anything behind, just stated the goofy shit, other than what "he" wanted to state and viewed in his mind and what he took from that Boosie Thread

The Boosie thread, and what I stated, I stated that 13-17 year olds have sex and seek out sex, on their own and some even asked their parents about it, what Boosie did, was when his son asked him about whatever he asked him about, he hired strippers for his son, his son is 14 or 15, Boosie felt that he could give his son a stripper. I stated that most R&B singers and rappers were rapping about sex at a very young age, and most if not majority of the folks on this board were in school or on the play ground, lunch room talking about sex or having sex...
The conversation has nothing to do with having a trans-queer as a teacher, which is why it's dumb, but I see how stuff goes on around here"

Are you changing the premise of the thread?

you originally asked if anyone would be comfortable in a transgendered person teaching their child and should the school be responsible in informing parents...

now you’re talking about a transgendered teacher teaching sex-ed (to 12/13yr olds min.) and this conversation between teacher and student leading to a discussion about transgenders and how it works..

which is it? because it seems that the majority here agree that type of talk isn’t suitable for a school environment. The same would go for myself if I was a teacher... as a Christian, I can’t go out there preaching to my class, even if it was a question from a student. I know that I would have to resist answering the question and moving forward w the class.

if the transgendered teacher does their JOB, why are you overly concerned w them like that?
You don't think a child may have a question on if trans-queer can have babies, and you don't think that trans-queer won't get more questions asked about their gender during this Sex Education period or later on afterwards??

You think this is a cut and dry thing, str8 lesson plans teaching, read over Chapters 3 and 4, answer the questions at the end of the chapter and go home? You think that's what's going on in the classrooms? That don't even go on in the classroom when there's a regular teacher teaching this subject, questions are being asked and things are being talked about, sometimes in details.

This is a subject that most children 4th, 5th, and 6th graders want to know about, you don't think those children are not going to ask about their teacher's gender and have "it" go into depth?

You don't think at any point across a classroom that has a trans-queer teacher, that a student may asked, If you're a woman, but born as a man, where's your penis and what they do with it?

Man yall gotta stop living in Kansas and start living in this reality evil ass world...

you believe in spirits and such
Im just saying. Im proudly straight and nothing I saw would have or could have changed that.

Some of yall, not all, but some talk like if kids see gays and trans people, chances are they will be gay too, and wanna protect kids from seeing them. Which means yall think yall mighta turned gay by seeing gay people as kids too, since thats how it works in yall mind.

That shit is crazy to me. The lines between being straight and gay to yall seem to be super thin even though yall anti gay.

With that said, idc enough about this to keep going back and forth.

Whatever it is, i agree to disagree.
You niggas have normalized these people so you dont see how wrong it is to have them around your kids

The wild shit to me is that the folks that are so adamant against LGBTQ stuff seem to think that if they ignore it completely, that those people who subscribe to that lifestyle will just somehow stop existing. Like there aren't trans people in all matter of professions.

At some point the youths are going to run across the reality that these people exist... so to try to pretend that it doesn't seems odd/foolish to me
Transracial is not real, Jedi aren’t real, idkwtf other kin is but probably not real. Acting like an x man is not a thing.

They are just as real as a man/woman believing they are meant to be the opposite sex when they are in fact not.

Come one come all.
That was my mistake, I shouldn't have made it personal, Everybody don't share the same story... I knew the whole, I never seen or heard of x, y, z would be the response.

Kids talk about their teachers in the U.S. believe it or not, but it doesn't apply to you

I never said kids don't talk about their teachers and i acknowledged that kids will naturally have questions about things they don't understand...but worrying about who their teacher is sleeping with is not something a child should be concerned with and if a child were to ask an adult that question it's the adult's job to let the child know that it's not of their concern.
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