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Would Things Be Different If the Child or Children Goes To Live With The Father?

During my divorce we agreed to shared parenting and after a month my daughter wanted to live with me full time and so she did. I feel she's been better off with me than her mother and I think she would agree. Her mother got so pissed she had the nerve to try to take me down for child support even with my daughter living with me and failed miserably in court.
Hope you made HER pay child support.
As a single father to a black boy the answer is no. I can never take the place of a mothers love I can give my son all the ideas of how to be a man and what do in a man's situation but that motherly love that a mom gives I can try to do but I can't do it 100%. Also that's vice versa as well so to say a child will thrive under the wing of the father more so than the mom is silly.

^^^^that's saying if both parents are thriving and not on some toxic shit
I thought about it but I wanted her to know I didn't need her money or anything from her in order to raise my daughter. I hate people that weaponize child support so I didn't want to become one of them.
I thought about it but I wanted her to know I didn't need her money or anything from her in order to raise my daughter. I hate people that weaponize child support so I didn't want to become one of them.
Black children are at the bottom in this country:

If there has been a divorce, break-up within a family and there are kids involved, statistical data states that men make more money than women in this country, with the average black woman making 28k a year and the average black man making 42k a year, source is BlackDemographics.com, The CDC is another source.
Also statistical data states that black men are the better fathers than any other race of men, adding also that 80% of our black children are raised with their single mother, the boys are reading on a 4th grade level when they have reached the 12th grade, we see how the teenage girls are being raised, most have horrible attitudes in these single parent household with the woman at the head, can a discussion be made that the children or child should go live with the father?
Why does the woman automatically get custom of the children or child. What has to happened so that the father gets automatic custom of the children or child if there is a break-up or divorce.
Serious Discussion.
Save our children

Women don’t always automatically get custody most times dad is not fighting for custody or they have some sort of non court arrangement. I don’t think most men in general wanna have sole custody
I say that because there was a time when teenagers respected their adults, there was a time where you would not talk back to your mother or father or any adult.
Teenagers now, boys included have no respect for anybody but themselves.
If children thrived in healthy environments, then boys would not be reading on a 4th grade level by the time they reach the 12th grade.

Sir, teenagers have ALWAYS been disrespectful as fuck. You’re lying to yourself if you’re going to ignore that.

I know young children being raised by single mothers who are graduating early from high school and already being accepted into colleges, LITERALLY. I know young boys on the honor roll and thriving being raised by single mothers.

Let’s cut the bullshit please. I see it every single day honestly and truthfully. I’m not sure what type of people ya’ll associated with but do better.
I’m really trying to understand who be raising these bitter ass men. I absolutely love Black men but these ashy ass niggas gotta go.

Complaining about the same Black women y’all keep fucking, impregnating, and unsupporting THEN getting on platforms and projecting.

Stop it 5.
Because women tend to be the kids primary care giver, they are hesitant to give that up when a breakup happens. And for that same reason, dad is usually hesitant to take on the responsibility. I honestly think that a LOT of the time, the arguments are all for show and virtue signaling. The realty in lots of cases is that both parties want the same thing, but mom needs to APPEAR that she actually cares about the kids spending time with their father and want that to happen and are ok releasing some of the responsibility and decision-making to him in order to not be judged a certain way...and dad needs to APPEAR to actually care about spending time with his children over whatever freedom he'd be giving up and want to actually want the responsibility in order to not be judged a certain way.