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Would Things Be Different If the Child or Children Goes To Live With The Father?

ok.....if the mother is not allowing or helping or pushing the child to be better ....the father needs to step up and be a father.

too many times i run into niggas who have kids but never with their kids when i go back to philly.

you hear so many dudes who didnt have fathers in their lives but i can always find corners full of niggas doing nothing.

yet niggas talk about getting money and fucking ladies.

we need to hold dudes accountable vs blaming the mothers who are not doing what considered as a good job raising the child.
Just had a conversation with my BD about reading or having our son read to him daily or weekly. My BD is very much a out of sight out of mind type parent.

Like if his son is physically with him, he is somewhat engaged in his schooling. But the daily or weekly involvement is not there at all. He just asks a blanket question whenever he speaks with him, asking how school is going.

I pay for tutoring, I read with him and work with his teachers. But it's an everyday thing where we work on something. His father is very much absent when it comes to schooling. We even decided on my son spending last school year with his dad. We had some differences of what needed to be done to help our son in his schooling. And he kept saying how he felt I didn't trust him with our child. So he had him full time( well really his grandma did)That decision didn't work out.

But I agree it's very person specific.
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