FEATURED Woman Gets Hit With A Brick After Not Giving Guy Her Number: Update, turns herself in to police after story was found to be not true

Niggas will say this never happens

No one has ever said that. What is under dispute is the frequency at which it happens. And even this ain't the same as a nigga hittin' a chick upside the head with a brick. This nigga's just talking shit. As long as it stays talk and doesn't end up with him puttin hands on her one can always walk away.
Niggas will say this never happens

Nobody ever said that bro. We've said that these are fringe cases and that women shouldn't be painting the picture that shit like that happens every time they shoot men down.

I would never tell any woman how to take care of their own safety. If a .0001 chance of something like this happening is enough to make them move a certain way, that's fine. But you got women running around talking about "We can't even turn a man down because men kill women for that" even though they know they shoot men down every day without incident.

You can listen to that dude and tell he's off, so why try and use someone like him as an example of the standard experience women face when dealing with men?
A few ppl online I respect kept on saying it was true well after it was clear she lied.

They have been quiet as shit since the truth is coming out.

But ppl been found out she was a con woman like a few days after the story broke.