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Why do people care about expensive shoes, clothes, bags, etc?

I think I told this story before but it’s the reason I believe people do it.

When I was growing up in a very low income family. If didn’t get any of the hip clothing, or had an opportunity to indulge in any kind of fashion or be able to fathom owning anything of significance.

I looked at the people around me that had it and noticed that most of them that had it. Had an air of confidence about them. I wanted to feel that confidence and related my inability to feel it to me not having those things.

I went out and got the money to get those things. After a short lived boost of confidence for having people look at me like I was something. I went right back to feeling like nothing because all of my other living conditions were the same and this was a fresh coat of paint over moldy walls.

I had the self awareness to understand that it took more than this or that to gain a sense of self worth. So it didn’t work for me.

However, with some people, that’s all it takes. And god bless them, and god bless you. Because it takes more than that to fufil you. Your gonna strive for great things. And because it takes that to fufill them, they can be content with a nice outfit and designer shades.

Nothing wrong with either