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Who's Side Are You On

Maybe the father should have went and got what the child needed instead of providing cash if it's an issue. You never know what's going to happen with the money once you hand it over so if you that pressed on how its being spent go get the shit yourself.
I'm not mad. I just don't buy it. I fully believe that you might be a generous person and willing to help out the other kids. I just don't believe you or any of the others taking this side would be ok with someone just taking your money and spending it the way they want without your permission. But I don't know any of you, so I could be wrong.

You probably wrong. The folks saying they are ok with have probably seen that shit and are like no big deal they siblings and everybody safe. If y’all feel some type of way because he wasn’t asked that’s fine. I think most assume if my bm got three kids but one is mine she will treat them equally. Yes the other fathers need to step up yes she need to do better and probably should’ve said something. But y’all treating this so egregious
You probably wrong. The folks saying they are ok with have probably seen that shit and are like no big deal they siblings and everybody safe. If y’all feel some type of way because he wasn’t asked that’s fine. I think most assume if my bm got three kids but one is mine she will treat them equally. Yes the other fathers need to step up yes she need to do better and probably should’ve said something. But y’all treating this so egregious

Folks that’s saying it’s okay is lying.

It’s only okay THIS TIME. But if it’s done once it was done before and will be done again on numerous situation
Bottom line, you give a chick with 3 kids $600, best believe that money going to 3 kids ??‍♂️

And pocketed

I got 3 kids and the oldest we buy the expensive shit. Electronics, shoes and still would come close to 600 for all 3
Bottom line.

Don’t use your child and lie to get stuff done for kids that ain’t his.

That’s not realistic to a household tho. You get you kid some juice why wouldn’t the other kid not get juice? A mom ain’t gonna say hey this kid can have jays and other kids payless. Idk it just seems a weird hill to die on
Folks that’s saying it’s okay is lying.

It’s only okay THIS TIME. But if it’s done once it was done before and will be done again on numerous situation

If you’re ok with this I assume the dad knows that money will go to the other kids if this is an all the time thing. But if it’s an all the time thing that’s a worse situation. This is a one off thing based on op
If you’re ok with this I assume the dad knows that money will go to the other kids if this is an all the time thing. But if it’s an all the time thing that’s a worse situation. This is a one off thing based on op

Still foul.

You ask for help. Don’t fucking use my child to tricking me into taking care of the rest
You got three kids you know how quick 600 can go bro don’t do that

I do. And I’m telling you. It really don’t.

Unless they all getting Jordan’s, Nike backpacks, 5 star/Trapper keepers, along with pens and paper it might be closer to 500 than 600.

and that’s reckless spending
Still foul.

You ask for help. Don’t fucking use my child to tricking me into taking care of the rest

Feel how you feel bro. Ain’t no decent mom going out like that and you know it. So I agree with your point if it’s that bad get your kid.
I do. And I’m telling you. It really don’t.

Unless they all getting Jordan’s, Nike backpacks, 5 star/Trapper keepers, along with pens and paper it might be closer to 500 than 600.

and that’s reckless spending

So even if she saved it the wrongness is just not letting him know and not the actual doing for the kid
If she paid bills with the money instead of school stuff would you have a problem
lets stop adding stuff to the story

the story is that he gave her money for school supplies

she then in turn used the money to get shit for her other kids

she didnt use THAT money for what the intended use was for