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Who's Side Are You On

Women have heard 'shut up and take it' for a millennium

Now they playing that get back game
Lol @ soundin' noble, we're talkin' about school clothes and supplies fam. Would I be on with my kids havin' pens and paper but not his siblings? I wouldn't at all.

Why's it hard to believe some of us wouldn't have a problem with it?

I'm not mad at him bein' mad but I wouldn't be at all

You probably wrong. The folks saying they are ok with have probably seen that shit and are like no big deal they siblings and everybody safe. If y’all feel some type of way because he wasn’t asked that’s fine. I think most assume if my bm got three kids but one is mine she will treat them equally. Yes the other fathers need to step up yes she need to do better and probably should’ve said something. But y’all treating this so egregious

I don't doubt that any of you would be cool with helping the siblings out. Like I said, I would be down for that too if I was consulted. However, I have a problem believing dudes that care about their kids would be cool with that precedent being set. $600 is a lot for one child for B2S shopping, but what happens when its an amount that is needed to properly prepare for something. Would you be cool with your child having to do without something he/she needs because his/her siblings have to go without? Yeah, I'd want the siblings to be good, but not at the expense of my child.
This is the biggest lie but you got it.
How? What good parent that prioritizes their child's wellbeing wouldn't try to get them out of a subpar living situation? Especially if you complaining about it to sm.
So if he lived with her, would he not buy her other kids things? My only issue would be her asking for more money like the laptop situation. Me and my brother have different fathers and they would look out for each of us. The father should just take the kid and buy him stuff as stated. Really its a none issue. A mother can't just provide for one kid. People need to be more responsible with who they have kids with on both sides.
So if he lived with her, would he not buy her other kids things? My only issue would be her asking for more money like the laptop situation. Me and my brother have different fathers and they would look out for each of us. The father should just take the kid and buy him stuff as stated. Really its a none issue. A mother can't just provide for one kid. People need to be more responsible with who they have kids with on both sides.

You talking bout living with her Lololololol

what you doing man.

And a mother can’t provide for one kid but his father can.

again. What you doing man.
Eff all this. Eff them other kids. Now if them kids is starving or really needed clothes be woman enough to come to me with that problem and I'll give a one time donation. Don't take the money yippy asked for my kid and split it between the three. That just shows you was using deception all this time and you knew your true intentions because I wound of flipped if she asked me for 600 for back to school shopping. I'd be like naw I'm good I'll take him or her myself
Meh...i see both sides.

I seewhy she did it. I see why he would get mad. Maybe she should've clarified it wit him her intentions wit the money. I think if he gotten a heads up, then maybe he would've been aight.

Like "Hey I know you gave me this 600 for Junior...but do you mind i use some of it to get the other 2 supplies as well?"

That way it doesn't come off like did it behind his back.
I'm saying one time I might let it slide n let her know just be clear next time let me have that choice I'll work with her

But if her and all the other dudes involved know ur gonna be the guy who's got it every time do u just allow that?? How u handle it then

I thought that was different from this I don’t agree with her deception at all. But the money being split between those kids ai t something I’d be mad about but if it’s constant than obvious I’d feel some type of way if nobody else is helping
I thought that was different from this I don’t agree with her deception at all. But the money being split between those kids ai t something I’d be mad about but if it’s constant than obvious I’d feel some type of way if nobody else is helping

If she ain’t got stuff for school.

you know she don’t have shit planned for other things. School suppose to be a priority and she ain’t do that right. What the odds other shit she be doing wrong