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Who's Side Are You On

Did your child get shit?
Did they go without?

Get out your feelings.. It's for the kids, not you.

Clearly dude and the mom ain't always on the same page. That's why they not together now, right?

Pick your battles... This ain't it
this dont work on me b

im the nigga who gave the money. I fulfilled my financial obligation
"aye,I saw those pics of his report card... Good work.... imma cash app you like $40 for some pizza for my son.... AND IF I FIND OUT THEM OTHER KIDS ATE SO MUCH AS A PEPPERONI DAT'S IT!!!!"

terrible example

when its time for my 50/50, i'll take my kid out to celebrate their grades
Raise the kid yourself if you don't want these issues. You don't really have a say bout what's going on in a household you not apart of.

are you speaking to men or women in this scenario

its easier for one of those genders than the other
lets stop adding stuff to the story

the story is that he gave her money for school supplies

she then in turn used the money to get shit for her other kids

she didnt use THAT money for what the intended use was for
His kid got the school supplies so what's the issue
first off..i really hate talking about rational choices with madeup scenarios...that meme is faker than a 3 dollar bill

you know what...i'm out...my head been booming all day and i aint bout to going through all these layers ya'll keep trying to add to justify the mother in this fake story
His kid got the school supplies so what's the issue
first off..i really hate talking about rational choices with madeup scenarios...that meme is faker than a 3 dollar bill

you know what...i'm out...my head been booming all day and i aint bout to going through all these layers ya'll keep trying to add to justify the mother in this fake story
If you're ok with this do u draw the line anywhere?

Like say she hits u up for everything the kids need but don't tell u til after each time?

Does there come a point where u take your balls out her purse?
That’s what I been asking.
I'm saying one time I might let it slide n let her know just be clear next time let me have that choice I'll work with her

But if her and all the other dudes involved know ur gonna be the guy who's got it every time do u just allow that?? How u handle it then
If you're ok with this do u draw the line anywhere?

Like say she hits u up for everything the kids need but don't tell u til after each time?

Does there come a point where u take your balls out her purse?
Idk, I get the feeling hes mad af cuz he found out she asked for help with his son's school stuff with the intention to use it on all three, essentially tricking him. It wasnt like "oh here's $600 for my kid" and then she was like "oh shit, I cant just buy for one kid.. "
are you speaking to men or women in this scenario

its easier for one of those genders than the other
I'm speaking to the person that wants an itemized list for every nickel given to the other parent but doesn't have custody and not involved in day to day activities with their child(ren). Get joint or full custody if you want a say.
I'm speaking to the person that wants an itemized list for every nickel given to the other parent but doesn't have custody and not involved in day to day activities with their child(ren). Get joint or full custody if you want a say.
"Item #10 - $0.68 for 4 mini donuts and $1.95 for a mango banana smoothy from Tim Hortons"
Date Sept. 3, 2020
I'm speaking to the person that wants an itemized list for every nickel given to the other parent but doesn't have custody and not involved in day to day activities with their child(ren). Get joint or full custody if you want a say.
if it isnt obvious by now, this is a personal subject to me

aint nobody saying you have to give a receipt for every single thing purchased, but if you're asking for money for a specific purpose, then yes, i expect you to use the money for that. If you say "you owe me _____ for the doctors bill", then dont look at me crazy when i ask to see what the office charged. If you aint got nothing to hide, then it shouldnt be an issue.

The reason i call this meme fake in the first place b/c aint NO way im going to fork over that kinda money without no receipts or a list from the school showing exactly what the supplies are going to be for the year.

and again, your comments about not having custody speak as someone who has not personally gone through a situation to try to obtain custody. You can have 50/50 and joint custody and still be facing some fuck shit depending on the state you live. Not all custody laws are the same across the nation.