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Who hit who first?

I feel the need to say first and foremost, I'd knock his bitch ass out on sight regardless of who hit who first. The principle is to keep our women, black women, safe at all costs.

But this thread is a different conversation around the accountability of women. I've watched this video tons of times and even in slow motion. She turned, reached her hand out, pulled back slightly to thrust it back toward him and shoved his shoulder. I don't know that he punches her if she doesn't do that.

Can we as a people have the critical and nuanced thought to both hold ourselves accountable for the roles we play in addition to that of outsiders acting irresponsibly? Telling our women that she didn't touch him "on purpose" is doing a disservice in my opinion.

I mean a push by an older woman aint nothing to steal nobody over.
Only get physically involved if it's a family member, no telling what weapon these people holding. It's been too many captain save a ho ass niggas dead for defending chicks they don't know.

That's sucka shit. Get involved in what you feel moved to get involved in. I don't fuck with all my family and some of them I don't fuck with so much I would walk over their dead body in the street without a fuck given.

A person's life is on the line the minute you walk out your house everyday. Anything could happen whether its on accident or purposefully meant for you. Right is right and wrong is wrong that don't matter if a person is your blood family or not.

That line of thinking is why folks videotape black folks getting beat by any race of people instead of helping. Especially against other races. They know we divided and have to no racial loyalty so they do and say anything to us from old people all they way down to our kids.

I ain't the most helpful person and I don't easily get myself involved in other peoples problems but certain shit I'm just not going to sit back and watch happen regardless of if I'm related or even know said person.
Yeah, I kinda figured which is why I didn't move

Pretty much waiting to see how the conversation turns before touching it and or remove the members who are deviating from the topic at hand
Ok yeah that's fair
Only get physically involved if it's a family member, no telling what weapon these people holding. It's been too many captain save a ho ass niggas dead for defending chicks they don't know.
Nah you're somewhat right. I'm not hopping in everybody's shit. If it's a couple going crazy on each other, I'm more inclined to mind my own business.

But situations like this where it's clearly a sister in distress... you know what, I'm just going to let Farrakhan tell it

I mean a push by an older woman aint nothing to steal nobody over.
Separate conversation. You don't get to dictate someone's reaction to physicality.

We need to get to a point where we are prepared for and expect the worst. That means behaving in a manner that we don't have to apologize or make excuses for. So when we have to put someone's face in concrete, there can be zero doubt that it was justified action.
I see a whole lot of off code motherfuckers in this thread. I’ll let y’all tell it though... but here’s a hint NEVER side with others over your own even when/if your own is in the wrong because when other groups are in the wrong they still stick up for their own over us.
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Asians and Arabs stay putting hands on black women tho with no backlash.

Not only in the US and I've seen this im different countries.

Let this had happen to a white woman, he wouldn't think twice to put hands on her.

They also stay beating their own women.

This behavior was par for the course.
I guarantee dude slugs his wife like that over his kimchee being too crunchy.

She was walking away and he had to advance on her, no threat. This was some ol tit for tat bullshit.

Too be fair tho... She should have kept her damn hands to herself.
We need to denounce shaun king.

This is a non-issue.
He knows it's a non-issue yet uses his platform to shine light on shit like this, or niggas running from the police with pistols in their hands.

Dude is a plant. FBI just slapped a caesar on a white dude and sent his ass out into the wild.

Strange how yall can preach the teachings of the Original BPP but cant see the moves that took them down. Yall do know thats part of the lesson too right? Otherwise what was the point in all that time behind bars?

Stay woke.
I was initially going to post it in the other section but I wasn't sharing the story for the sake of the headline, moreso the conversation around women or people in general not excusing their own behavior just to point the finger at someone else.

Again, I have to reiterate, the guy would get slumped regardless for putting his hands on a black woman. That code is in stone for me.

If someone followed me out the store after I returned what my kid took and already apologized I'd be mad too.

what do you respond if a chinese man who barely speaks english follows you out the store and tells you to raise your kids better after?

you go "alright thanks man, appreciate the tip!"
all the buff niggas gone beat everybody up


but nah anybody in here can whoop his ass.....I see ya'lls point overall tho

theres just too much of this shit going on for me to act like ima play luke cage out here every time

ive seen domestic disputes and all that and didnt intervene.....I cant say i've seen a store owner sock a lady in front of me tho...my reaction could be totally different

I know y'all know the police/judge dont give a shit about who or what....thats your charge either way
If someone followed me out the store after I returned what my kid took and already apologized I'd be mad too.

what do you respond if a chinese man who barely speaks english follows you out the store and tells you to raise your kids better after?

you go "alright thanks man, appreciate the tip!"
Your hypothetical wouldnt happen as they have an inferiority complex when it comes to this country and the men in this country.

Had that been a dude he would have talked shit from the inside while holding the door locked.
If someone followed me out the store after I returned what my kid took and already apologized I'd be mad too.

what do you respond if a chinese man who barely speaks english follows you out the store and tells you to raise your kids better after?

you go "alright thanks man, appreciate the tip!"

This is where her story weakens. How does she apologize and throw the item at the guy?
I see a whole lot of off code motherfuckers in this thread. I’ll let y’all tell it though... but here’s a hint NEVER side with others over your own even when/if your own is in the wrong because when other groups are in the wrong they still stick up for their own over us.

Very true. White folks definitely looking out for rapists and letting them slide