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Which driver was in the wrong?

Which driver was in the wrong?

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Why don't you apply this logic to the driver of the white truck?

They had full control of they car and could have maintained their rate of speed. And yet....they didn't

Because how you react is on you. You control nothing other than yourself and your car. White truck doin' the most? Fine, let 'em. How I react to it ultimately determines the outcome.

Do I chill and let the white truck get far enough out so I can safely pass or do I continue driving like a maniac? That's the choice the Honda's driver had to make and it was his alone to make.
Have you noticed that, every single time you reply, you start talking about these overarching concepts and philosophies of the road and traffic laws and shit...rather than making any connection to what actually happened in the video?

Don't answer that.

Have you noticed that what I'm saying directly applies to what's going on this video?

I want you to answer that.
Yup. Got brake checked at the beginning. Truck was being a straight asshole
Probably because (mind you this all speculation), like some folks in this very thread they thought it was their job to stop this menace when it wasn't

At the 15sec mark, the recorder admits to the Truck just not letting the Honda go.

If not for the actions of this truck driver this particular accident wouldn't have occured🤷🏿‍♂️
Because how you react is on you. You control nothing other than yourself and your car. White truck doin' the most? Fine, let 'em. How I react to it ultimately determines the outcome.

Do I chill and let the white truck get far enough out so I can safely pass or do I continue driving like a maniac? That's the choice the Honda's driver had to make and it was his alone to make.
Lol so let the truck driver do the most. Its cool. But the Honda should have shown restraint??

Aight b
Which vehicle was driving like a maniac across all lanes, if he wasn't doing that he wouldn't have wrecked

This is false. That's the difference between correlation and causality.

Did him driving like a maniac have a correlation to him getting into an accident? Definitely.

Did him driving like a maniac actually cause him to get into an accident? No.

If the bolded was true, then everybody who drove recklessly would get into an accident.

Who's next?
Which vehicle was driving like a maniac across all lanes, if he wasn't doing that he wouldn't have wrecked
And yet....they didn't wreck until....

This ain't a spin out on an empty road. Nor is it them rear ending a vehicle.

Its an accident caused by being unable to merge back into traffic. Why weren't they able to merge you ask? Because another automobile sped up to deliberately keep them from doing so
Have you noticed that what I'm saying directly applies to what's going on this video?

I want you to answer that.

Sure thing.

No, I don't notice that. I actually disagree with that. I'll use your mention of local traffic laws as an example. I don't think that directly applies to what's going on in the video at all. in any shape, form or fashion.

If you DO feel like the traffic laws directly apply to the video, I'm more than willing to listen to you explain it, if you want.

The floor is yours.
And yet....they didn't wreck until....

This ain't a spin out on an empty road. Nor is it them rear ending a vehicle.

Its an accident caused by being unable to merge back into traffic. Why weren't they able to merge you ask? Because another automobile sped up to deliberately keep them from doing so
Can't control what the white truck doing but the honda driver can control his rage
Here is about 16 seconds more...context people! Honda is wrong

Actually after watching the entire thing now... the truck definitely started it with the brake checking and speeding up or slowing down so he couldn't pass and doing more brake checking. The car just wanted to pass. Wouldn't surprise me if an accident happened just from all of the brake checks

Should have just let the car pass
Nah, let's break down @royalascension extended clip

At the 23sec mark, the white truck is keeping pace with the vehicle on their right for the express purpose of keeping the Honda behind the both of them.

Why? Why are they creating a barricade vs letting the Honda go about they day?
Sure thing.

No, I don't notice that. I actually disagree with that. I'll use your mention of local traffic laws as an example. I don't think that directly applies to what's going on in the video at all. in any shape, form or fashion.

If you DO feel like the traffic laws directly apply to the video, I'm more than willing to listen to you explain it, if you want.

The floor is yours.

One of the first things you should have been taught in driver's ed is that you, and you alone, are in control of your car.
How you react to the drivers around you is on you. This is a fundamental of driving and it directly applies here and it's the one thing I've been pointing out that you absolutely refuse to acknowledge because it places the blame directly on the driver of the Honda.

Like it or not, the driver of the Honda is the only person in control of the Honda, ergo their reaction to whatever the other cars on the road are doing is their responsibility and this simply cannot be argued.