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Poll What Should Be The Penalty For The Kids?

What Should Be The Penalty?

  • Murder (years in the double digits)

  • Manslaughter (years in the single digits)

  • Probation

  • Other

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Look I only believe in street justice when it comes to dealing with the system but not for children and I don't think any child should be institutionalized.

It's unorthodox but I would suggest several years of mandatory therapy, meditation and community service. Community service in the forms of helping, serving and working with other families that are victims of murder and other programs that reinforce the restoration and the value of life. The life of all beings.

Like Nip said ...take you across the tracks, make you explode a face. Now you official now, but you got a soul to save.

They got some souls to save and that should be their "punishment".

I would also suggest some programs that get them in touch with nature and the natural world basically everything related to life. Bring them to or create environments where they can learn to appreciate life in it's seemingly infinite forms.

All these children had their childhood stolen from them (even if they grew up in seemingly more privileged circumstances) at some point before they stole another's childhood and life so I think creating environments for them to learn to be children again is important also.

I would even go as far as suggesting a change in their diet. Studies have linked poor nutrition to poor decisions, violence, mental disorders and behavioral disorders, stress and an overall poor mental state of being. Meaning if our brains aren't being nourished properly and efficiently our brain doesn't think and function optimally, which means the body manifests this poor mental state into reality creating a poor decision.

We could all use these things in our lives but they may need it more.

In cases like this where it's children I don't think tough love is the best answer, I think love love is the answer.

came in here to say the first part, at the very least... this is the best post in this thread
Meaning if our brains aren't being nourished properly and efficiently our brain doesn't think and function optimally, which means the body manifests this poor mental state into reality creating a poor decision.

I agree with everything you said.

The only problem is the fact that.........I would venture to guess that most of the children who fall into the category you described in the bolded haven't resorted to stomping someone to death as a means of coping with their problems.
I agree with everything you said.

The only problem is the fact that.........I would venture to guess that most of the children who fall into the category you described in the bolded haven't resorted to stomping someone to death as a means of coping with their problems.

In areas where there's a high density of Black a Brown people or even poor White people the food options are usually poor. Most of the food in these communities keep the body and the brain sick or "less than" what it should be.

The murder and drug rates are higher in every economically disenfranchised or community and in all those communities it's either not much access to healthy food and an abundance of garbage food. Food that fills but doesn't nourish the body or the brain properly. The food in our communities have a direct link to the conditions of our communities. Studies have shown that food or more specifically poor nutrition and violence are directly linked. Poor nutrition meaning junk food, processed foods, processed sugars, fast food, fried foods. It also showed that healthy foods prevent and help reverse violence, aggression, and bad behavior in children. Healthy food heals.


"Early life nutrition appears to play a key role in determining anti-social, violent and aggressive behavior, with malnutrition at 3-years of age found to be a potent predisposing factor for antisocial and aggressive behavior in children and young adults (Liu, 2004). This observation is further strengthened by the observation that nutritional enrichment at 3-years of age reduced antisocial behavior at 17 years and criminal behavior at 23 years (Raine, 2003). Collectively, this research supports the view that there is a biological and neurobiological basis for violent behavior, and that the food we eat, at least in part, plays an important role in its development and remediation (Raine, 2013)."




Most of yall forgetting this "lock them up and throw away the key" mentality comes directly from white supremacy. Its always brown people that are "old enough to know better", but white kids made a mistake and need counseling.
Truly disheartening.


Our ancestors didnt play games. Matter of fact. Nobody played games regardless of color

And aint no mistake stomping a person in the head. A mistake is dropping a glass or some shit like that
Most of yall forgetting this "lock them up and throw away the key" mentality comes directly from white supremacy. Its always brown people that are "old enough to know better", but white kids made a mistake and need counseling.
Truly disheartening.

No one has said lock them up and throw away the key, they just need a serious timeout where they will be out in their early 20's with a lot of their life ahead of them
No one has said lock them up and throw away the key, they just need a serious timeout where they will be out in their early 20's with a lot of their life ahead of them
It was said. And with our "justice system", when has locking up a kid for 10 years then throwing them back out to the world that doesnt want them, ever really done anything productive?

Kids not exempt from suffering the consequences, they did a adult crime so they gotta face an adult punishment. Depending when they turned 13 they could be serving less than 4 years in juvie, nah fuck that

I hate it when people say this, because what is an adult crime & what isnt? White people move the bar when they feel like it and more often than not any and everything is an adult crime depending on what color you are. Thats a real problem plaguing our communities.

Said 4 years in juvie is nothing like they're going away to camp. You want kids to be institutionalized with adults and then turn around shocked you dont end up with spectacular results.

These kids need a couple years at most in juvie and real counseling.
I dont believe in the death penalty but I believe in an eye for eye

Im all fucked up with this belief
For all we kno' she asked for that whoopin'. We don't kno' the circumstances. Even if it were adults I'd be reticent to give a long sentence


Jail time that focuses on education and rehabilitation so when these young people are free they're able to Integrate into society and not be left behind by society so we dont see their children doing something similar
If what they did is determined to have contributed to her death then they gotta do some time. How much time I don't know but they gotta do some time.

13 is young as shit. You been knew right from wrong but still don't have the ability to fully process everything.
Whatever their punishment they're going to get will have that following them, 23 years old is still young as hell after doing a 10 year bid.

23 is young but these children will become institutionalized 23 year olds that won't be accepted by society. Not only will they be conditioned to be a prisoner, society as a whole will want nothing to do with them even after they "paid their debt to society".

They would have spent almost half of their lives locked up. Their world experiences stop at 13 years old and start back up at 23. How can we expect anyone to do that and bounce back? I'm not saying it can't be done but at this point more damage would have been done than healing or rehabilitation by keeping them in prison.

I've never met a person who did over 5 years that wasn't institutionalized when they got home whether teen or adult.

Imo healing is the only real solution and prisons INTENTIONALLY don't provide an environment for healing to even occur. In fact the environment that prisons INTENTIONALLY create is hostile and ALL about division which is what they absolutely don't need as children, teens or adults. We call it "gladiator school" out here which is the complete opposite type of environment for healing and rehabilitation.
23 is young but these children will become institutionalized 23 year olds that won't be accepted by society. Not only will they be conditioned to be a prisoner, society as a whole will want nothing to do with them even after they "paid their debt to society".

They would have spent almost half of their lives locked up. Their world experiences stop at 13 years old and start back up at 23. How can we expect anyone to do that and bounce back? I'm not saying it can't be done but at this point more damage would have been done than healing or rehabilitation by keeping them in prison.

I've never met a person who did over 5 years that wasn't institutionalized when they got home whether teen or adult.

Imo healing is the only real solution and prisons INTENTIONALLY don't provide an environment for healing to even occur. In fact the environment that prisons INTENTIONALLY create is hostile and ALL about division which is what they absolutely don't need as children, teens or adults. We call it "gladiator school" out here which is the complete opposite type of environment for healing and rehabilitation.

The Norwegian model is needed
Look I only believe in street justice when it comes to dealing with the system but not for children and I don't think any child should be institutionalized.

It's unorthodox but I would suggest several years of mandatory therapy, meditation and community service. Community service in the forms of helping, serving and working with other families that are victims of murder and other programs that reinforce the restoration and the value of life. The life of all beings.

Like Nip said ...take you across the tracks, make you explode a face. Now you official now, but you got a soul to save.

They got some souls to save and that should be their "punishment".

I would also suggest some programs that get them in touch with nature and the natural world basically everything related to life. Bring them to or create environments where they can learn to appreciate life in it's seemingly infinite forms.

All these children had their childhood stolen from them (even if they grew up in seemingly more privileged circumstances) at some point before they stole another's childhood and life so I think creating environments for them to learn to be children again is important also.

I would even go as far as suggesting a change in their diet. Studies have linked poor nutrition to poor decisions, violence, mental disorders and behavioral disorders, stress and an overall poor mental state of being. Meaning if our brains aren't being nourished properly and efficiently our brain doesn't think and function optimally, which means the body manifests this poor mental state into reality creating a poor decision.

We could all use these things in our lives but they may need it more.

In cases like this where it's children I don't think tough love is the best answer, I think love love is the answer.
Great post.

I Wish caring this much about shit like this was the norm
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23 is young but these children will become institutionalized 23 year olds that won't be accepted by society. Not only will they be conditioned to be a prisoner, society as a whole will want nothing to do with them even after they "paid their debt to society".

They would have spent almost half of their lives locked up. Their world experiences stop at 13 years old and start back up at 23. How can we expect anyone to do that and bounce back? I'm not saying it can't be done but at this point more damage would have been done than healing or rehabilitation by keeping them in prison.

I've never met a person who did over 5 years that wasn't institutionalized when they got home whether teen or adult.

Imo healing is the only real solution and prisons INTENTIONALLY don't provide an environment for healing to even occur. In fact the environment that prisons INTENTIONALLY create is hostile and ALL about division which is what they absolutely don't need as children, teens or adults. We call it "gladiator school" out here which is the complete opposite type of environment for healing and rehabilitation.

I know what institutionalized means but do you by that from a personal meaning?