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What "Old Person" Things Do You Do?

Get mad when a kid doesn’t have a coat on when it’s cold
As a teacher, this shit urks me to NO END.

I be like, "put something on, or you goin to Study Hall instead of recess. Mess around and get the whole school sick cause you wanna be out here in 45 degree weather with just a button-up shirt is on."

Fuck is their deficiency out here?

Also, I recycle. And I get HELLA angry when I see people littering. No home training-having muhfuckas.
I'm on SSI and I take 2 or 3 naps per day before I officially go to bed. And I don't even "work".

My joints snap, crackle and pop when I get up.

I take my shoes off when I come in the house and put slippers on

Drink coffee every morning. I can't function without a cup of coffee

I don't just complain about the new music, I'm convinced that Hip Hop was better in the 80s and 90s

R&B was better in the 70s and early 80s
Nah that sounds like the most washed shit ever

He’s right about the comfort though


Strictly about the comfort my brotha
As a teacher, this shit urks me to NO END.

I be like, "put something on, or you goin to Study Hall instead of recess. Mess around and get the whole school sick cause you wanna be out here in 45 degree weather with just a button-up shirt is on."

Fuck is their deficiency out here?

Also, I recycle. And I get HELLA angry when I see people littering. No home training-having muhfuckas.

Is it old that you rather wear a regular watch than get a Apple Watch or android watch?
You need to get this looked at brother
I appreciate it, but I remembered what I was doing. I don't know the name, but it's a type of wall squat. They are supposed to be good for posture. I guess I over did it. 😅
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Wearing sweats or jogger pants basically everywhere cause they are way more flexible and comfortable than jeans...

That's 70% of my current wardrobe. ... Sweat pants and shorts (in warm weather) are my go to clothing... I have only two pairs of jeans ( black and blue)
I don't know if it's an 'old' thing but my situational awareness especially when I'm in public is high in case of any random act of violence on my person or others within my vicinity... Basically my head on a swivel all the time when I'm out of my home

I didn't care much about that in my 20s/30s ...
Is it old that you rather wear a regular watch than get a Apple Watch or android watch?
Nah the government having direct access to my vitals in real time doesn’t sit right…not that I fully comprehend what could be done with that
Just played ball w some young niggas earlier was my first time playing in 5 years
Gave them the old man game …. Mid range and post ups

Now I’m sitting up here w ice and Ben gay lol everything hurts
This is me when I’m finished bowling. My knee and arm be killing me for a good couple of days. And here goes my wife talking about you’re not young anymore.
Before we went to Disneyland a couple weeks ago I woke up and my lower back was fuckin done. All I did the day before was clean the carpets upstairs like I normally do. I was uncomfortable the first two days of the damn trip poppin Motrin like it’s candy, laying on my stomach like I’m Larry Bird towards the end.
