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What "Old Person" Things Do You Do?

The hell it ain't. lol Ain't no young people going to bed at 9 unless they work a crazy schedule.

lol I was doing that at like 25.
Fam, not sure when this happened but we are supposed to be getting at least 8+ hrs of sleep a night

If you're working out, this is also super beneficial to muscle recovery

I rather go to bed at 9 so I can get up before the alarm clock than go to bed late and constantly hitting snooze
Fam, not sure when this happened but we are supposed to be getting at least 8+ hrs of sleep a night

If you're working out, this is also super beneficial to muscle recovery

I rather go to bed at 9 so I can get up before the alarm clock than go to bed late and constantly hitting snooze

That whole 8 hours of sleep thing is a myth especially for adults. Now I'm sure there are benefits to getting that much sleep, but young people ain't thinking about that shit. Shit I got kids. A lot of days I don't even get to sit down and unwind until 9 pm. lol
That whole 8 hours of sleep thing is a myth especially for adults. Now I'm sure there are benefits to getting that much sleep, but young people ain't thinking about that shit. Shit I got kids. A lot of days I don't even get to sit down and unwind until 9 pm. lol
I'm agreeing with you to a degree but I'm saying for me, those late nights?? I definitely feel them now

I like waking up before the alarm. I feel like that's my body telling me it's recharged