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What kinda student were you back in high school?

Lol, I just remembered that they made up an award to give at our senior ceremony...

They called it the "sprit award" and it was because I was in the band 2 years, wrestled 2 years, managed the girl's varsity lacrosse team 2 and a half years, and played football one year...

The funny thing was that it had nothing to do with school spirit, I just wandered from thing to thing based on how well it held my interest
Anybody in here was in ROTC?

I avoided that shyt like the bubonic plague.
I didn't really spend a lot of time physically in high school, 9th grade was the only time I was a full time HS student after that I went to a school where you could spend half a day at school 3 times a week for instruction and spend the rest of the week doing work from home. I explained it in more detail on the other site but to keep it short I have social anxiety.
I didn't really spend a lot of time physically in high school, 9th grade was the only time I was a full time HS student after that I went to a school where you could spend half a day at school 3 times a week for instruction and spend the rest of the week doing work from home. I explained it in more detail on the other site but to keep it short I have social anxiety.
that part time setup sounds ideal. I think 8 hrs a day in a classroom learning repetitive shit tht cld be condensed into a few months isn't necessary. was it a charter school or something?
that part time setup sounds ideal. I think 8 hrs a day in a classroom learning repetitive shit tht cld be condensed into a few months isn't necessary. was it a charter school or something?
I'm pretty sure it was a public school, don't remember it being all that different from the high school I went to in the 9th grade in terms of how it was run. But yeah, I agree, I think it should be the norm for students especially hyper active kids.
that part time setup sounds ideal. I think 8 hrs a day in a classroom learning repetitive shit tht cld be condensed into a few months isn't necessary. was it a charter school or something?

School really is a way to condition you to think being away from home for 8hrs a day is normal. Most job shifts are 8hrs....:think:
High school, middle of the road popularity wise. Minus a few HS beefs I was cool with everybody. In 10th grade went from gifted classes to reg classes so I didn't have to study or do a lot of homework.

I took a few classes after High school but I definitely needed a break between HS and College, so I took one. I ended up taking 3 years to focus on an online site/business and PT work. When I went back to college FT I hit my stride.I finally wasn't bored, ended up graduating (bachelors) with a 3.6 while working 20-60 hours a week. My path definitely helped me have a new outlook and focus on work and life.
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I was top of every class. First in line for any extra curriculum treat. Teachers used to talk about me in the teachers lounge, and new teachers would regularly introduce themselves to me if they saw me in the halls.

Friends wise I always had a crew but by the time I left I was one of the loud kids, at the parties and gossiped about. I spent weekends with some rowdy niggas and lunchtime with the other Kendrick/Cole kids in school.

I hated school, even tho' lookin' back I happened to have a lotta advantages
Imma keep it real, I didn't like alot of my classmates in high school. Most of them were some attention whores.

I hate when someone say "you was quiet in school"........naw you dweebs, I wasn't quiet, I just don't run my mouth, and just rocked with my circle. I was chilled and low key, but a roaster if I had to go there
I ran on my own terms.

I knew everyone, but wasn't cool with everyone. And it was reciprocal.

I had no circle, no squad, I just moved how I moved.
I hated school with a passion i was mentally burnt out at the end I hated everything associated with education.....I ended up working in education.

I was a student that kept challenging the school systems I hated been treated like a child and that didn't go down well with teachers

And it didn't help I went to one the worse schools in the boroughs.
My family and I moved (went to 3 highschools + homeschooled in 2 states) alot so high school for me was just minding my business and working to get my diploma. Never made any real relationships or connections until after I graduated.
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This was me, smh...

Moved around too much so I never made friends, hated cliques, I was a sewing nerd to the theatre geeks. Loner that wore all black and listened to rock music. I was worse than the kids that ate alone, I was the lunch lady's assistant. Decent grades in everything except history and math. Used to sale English papers to buy weed. Didn't become popular until the last month of senior year.
so you was a black goth chick?