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Remember when the description of the suspect was “a black man from 8-80 with an Afro and black adidas jacket” they played in our faces manCrazy they got Marlo playing Sean Suitor....
If this what I think it's about.... It Was crazy.... Suitor was about to testify and take down mad bad cops... Like horrible cops... And it looks like that's what this show is highlighting.
The day before he testified... One of those cops was at One of Suitors crime scene despite the shit not even being in his jurisdiction. It's still to this day considered suicide. They really went on the news and said the cop who was about to testify on dirty cops committed suicide while at work.
Like it's crazy...I was driving home that night... They blocked off like the whole West Baltimore. They was looking for a killer. That man did not kill himself. He was shit by one of the dirty cops he was about to testify against. EVERYBODY in the city knew it.. But the news still called it a suicide.
I'm strangely curious to how this show will end. Like will they really go this hard and show the world how a cop that tried to testify against dirty cops got killed. When the shit is still a hot topic in the city. Shit just happened in 2017