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We don’t have a phobia thread

yup....my wife was pregnant with our middle child and had made a big pan of crawfish mashed potatoes w/ some steak or something we had

next day she wants some so she heats the oven up and takes the pan (glass) straight from the fridge to the oven

we hear this crackling like 5 mins later...open the oven and boom.....the little bit of glass we were able to sweep up wasnt near enough to be that whole pan...it was like it blew into dust

she cry cried......ugly cried.....i think she called her mama lmao

Was it hurt and scared crying or just embarrassed crying?
Please go to therapy my G. Real shit.

Tried it. She either could'nt tell I was bullshitting or didn't care. She was just going through the motions. Like it was nothing more than a 9-5.

Also a trust issue. I need to know they not just gonna call 911 as soon as I walk outta there. It's some shit I gotta work through that theres no way to work around.

I don't think I can afford the type of therapist that can guarantee me that shit.
I dont like Tarantulas, Clowns, or Falling. Kind of Claustrophobic too, but not terribly. I also dont really put myself in any situations to where id be claustrophobic though.
Tried it. She either could'nt tell I was bullshitting or didn't care. She was just going through the motions. Like it was nothing more than a 9-5.

Also a trust issue. I need to know they not just gonna call 911 as soon as I walk outta there. It's some shit I gotta work through that theres no way to work around.

I don't think I can afford the type of therapist that can guarantee me that shit.
That's unfortunate man. Hate hearing shit like this.
I did a tough Mudder last year and one of the obstacles had me in a ditch filled with water with a cage over it. so basically you lay on your back and traverse the ditch but then came a point where there’s a tarp over the cage. So now the water is cold, I’m in a confined space and it’s dark. When I say I started panicking I started panicking and felt like I was gonna drown. I’m don’t have fear of all 3 separately but combo those 3 together and I came out that shit like I’m not doing this shit again