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We don’t have a phobia thread

Spiders: not to the point of freaking out if I see them.. I can kill em... but I refuse to have one touch me. If there is one crawling on me or hanging from a web about to land on me, I dislike that very, very much.

Heights: Not extreme, but mainly if I gotta climb very high; ladder, rock climb, roof etc... I feel some kind of way

Earthquakes: always experienced them being im a Southern California native... but I hate them w a passion. I live in fear of the “big one” often in my head. I’m always keeping a lookout for safety to take refuge in.

Flown a 100 times, loads of intercontinental flights. But even for the short flights I'll be having weird dreams days prior to the flight - looking at my son and asking do I really need to go n shit - and pray to all the gods When Im up in the air. The 2nd that bitch lands I'm in a state of euphoria and live life up to the fullest lol.

Reason why I'm afraid of flying is cause I had an emergency landing on my first ever flight from Holland to Morocco smh.
Mayne when I like 8 I read a story in the paper of a woman who was makin' sutten in the oven, like a chicken popper filled with cheese or sutten, she poked* it with a fork and it exploded in her face.

I open the oven door sloooooowly all til now and I keep my face away from the food.

Also I'm afraid the microwave will explode if it's on and there's no food in it
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Mayne when I like 8 I read a story in the paper of a woman who was makin' sutten in the oven, like a chicken popper filled with cheese or sutten, she liked it with a fork and it exploded in her face.

I open the oven door sloooooowly all til now and I keep my face away from the food.

Also I'm afraid the microwave will explode if it's on and there's no food in it

My ex had a glass pan explode in the oven cause she decided to add a little water but the water wasn’t hot enough. Glass and hot gravy was everywhere but somehow she ain’t get burnt.
My ex had a glass pan explode in the oven cause she decided to add a little water but the water wasn’t hot enough. Glass and hot gravy was everywhere but somehow she ain’t get burnt.

yup....my wife was pregnant with our middle child and had made a big pan of crawfish mashed potatoes w/ some steak or something we had

next day she wants some so she heats the oven up and takes the pan (glass) straight from the fridge to the oven

we hear this crackling like 5 mins later...open the oven and boom.....the little bit of glass we were able to sweep up wasnt near enough to be that whole pan...it was like it blew into dust

she cry cried......ugly cried.....i think she called her mama lmao
Spiders. Never liked them even as a kid. When I was playing in the woods with friends I'd always have them check me out if I went into a web

Kind of heights but more fear of falling and dying. I can jump off a cliff into the water easily but I could never walk on shit like this
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Or this
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Here's some weird shit.

I could walk on this.....But I scared of heights.

I think it's more maybe I don't have anything under my feet.

If my shit dangling like a dick.....Don't talk to me until we on solid ground.
I hate balloons. Keep them shits away from me lol

Clowns as well.
I’m right there with you. I don’t fuck with clowns. Fuck you so happy for? I don’t trust that shit. Like there’s some ulterior motive. I won’t go in the same room as one. I also don’t like cats. Not scared of them I just don’t trust them. I be thinking they gonna scratch my eyes out when I sleep.
Btw Trypophobia is the worst thing I ever googled. Please don't look up that shit with people with it. And if you post please put it in a spoiler. Shit is the weirdest mindfuck Ive been apart of

All of this. When I'm on the go everything is scheduled and timed and I really don't play about it. Will even stress myself tf out over it even tho no else that I might think cares actually cares.

And I don't want to see no leg breaks but one time a club I worked at got shot up and went up 2 flights to go see that body. Fams brains was blown out.

Another time dude died in front of me after getting shot for his chain or some shit. Everyone was trying to have a "talk" with me after work. I was like "man the cops here so let's go across the street to the underground parking lot and smoke this blunt"

I'm kinda scared I'm not really gonna process death until my mom passes (god forbid) and do something crazy cause I've never really dealt with it. Even when my dad died I cried for like 5 mins. It's just never hit me like that.
Please go to therapy my G. Real shit.
Btw Trypophobia is the worst thing I ever googled. Please don't look up that shit with people with it. And if you post please put it in a spoiler. Shit is the weirdest mindfuck Ive been apart of

That shit made my teeth itch I wish I didn’t google that shit