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We don’t have a phobia thread

Rational: Bridges.

Irrational: Losing my balance and falling into a hot oven while moving or removing w/e it is to or from the oven.
Spiders. Never liked them even as a kid. When I was playing in the woods with friends I'd always have them check me out if I went into a web

Kind of heights but more fear of falling and dying. I can jump off a cliff into the water easily but I could never walk on shit like this
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Or this
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on a small scale I did like shit like this at the jungle gym. McDonald’s play place used to have a tunnel you can crawl through but that shit was on the air and had me shook.
I don't know if I'd call it a phobia but I can't strand snakes. Doesn't have to be in real life.... even on TV they freak me out.
Well yeah if that’s all you need to stay sane lol. It’s worse at night when it’s pitch black and nothing but water.
Lol I loved that shit on the cruise I went. I used to go to the tail end of the boat with a blunt late night and just post up, hella peaceful, but you look down and it's an abyss lol. And It definitely is water in all directions regardless of seeing the rest of ship lol that ain't shit relative and won't help you at all.
I'm extremely claustrophobic so anything dealing with very close confined spaces, especially life threatening obviously. When I was a child I one time had a panic attack at football game because it was raining hard at game and everybody was packing in tunnel. Some redneck white folk had to come help clear mofos out the way lol.
Rational: Slow deaths(drowning,starving, asphyxiation) and what comes after death(the unknown)

Irrational: Everything from Final Destination