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Video: police allegedly left a “bait truck” filled with Nike shoes in a black Chicago neighborhood

My thing is how much time can you really get for taking shoes? Some months? How does this stop murder and shit. Oh lets create a crime to catch criminals. Seems stupid.

It's not about stopping the murders though and never will be. You right they can get a couple of months in jail if that but they can put them on papers for years and we know how that can turn out.

Its really just an updated way of the Jim Crow shit with locking black people up for vagrancy and other petty shit just so they can be put on the chain gang or used for convict leasing programs to be forced to go back to work on plantations.
My thing is how much time can you really get for taking shoes? Some months? How does this stop murder and shit. Oh lets create a crime to catch criminals. Seems stupid.
I don't know much about criminal law but in Illinois stealing anything over $1000 is a felony. Having priors makes it worse. A judge flipping through folders and folders of people getting caught over this truck will probably be annoyed as fuck and throw the book at everyone.
That's like sitting a truck full of food near a homeless camp. People who are in poverty stricken situations arent concerning themselve with what's morally right. Low move.
So you're telling me that you believe that a nigga taking your stereo because you forgot to close your car door is the same as picking up a C note that's just laying on the ground?

Whose ignoring that? I've already said that the tactic is stupid and racist. My points are that the tactic being stupid and racist doesn't excuse or justify the actions of the people who take the bait and that you're going to have trouble getting people to care about something like this because, at the end of the day, the ones caught are still criminals.
Was the car door purposely left open with the idea that you want someone to try and steal the radio?
None of this actually happened though. What really happened... and what this thread is about... is the police setting black people up.

By your logic if the police were leaving random 100 dollar bills on the ground and arresting anyone picking them up that would be fair since you shouldn't take shit that doesn't belong to you.

You're trying to downplay that comparison but you can't if you're being honest.

Again, picking up random $100 bills off the street isn't illegal. Going into someone else's vehicle and taking shit out of it without their permission is. That's why your comparison is stupid.

As for the topic, there isn't much else to discuss. As I've pointed out like half a dozen times now, we all agree that it's a shitty move by the cops. You keep on trying to make that point as if its novel and as if anyone her is disputing it. However, the cops and country as a whole have been pulling bullshit like that from its inception. We don't have to keep making it so easy for them to succeed with it. Those cops think niggas are two stupid and obsessed with menial shit like shoes to avoid doing the wrong thing. You basically seem to be agreeing with them.
Again, picking up random $100 bills off the street isn't illegal. Going into someone else's vehicle and taking shit out of it without their permission is. That's why your comparison is stupid.

As for the topic, there isn't much else to discuss. As I've pointed out like half a dozen times now, we all agree that it's a shitty move by the cops. You keep on trying to make that point as if its novel and as if anyone her is disputing it. However, the cops and country as a whole have been pulling bullshit like that from its inception. We don't have to keep making it so easy for them to succeed with it. Those cops think niggas are two stupid and obsessed with menial shit like shoes to avoid doing the wrong thing. You basically seem to be agreeing with them.
Was the car door purposely left open with the idea that you want someone to try and steal the radio?

Say it was. Say you leave your car door open because you secretly hope that someone that you don't like and believe is a thief will steal something. Guess what, that thief would still be charged. There is no set of circumstances where picking up a random $100 on the ground is a crime. I can't believe dudes are seriously pushing this line of reasoning.
Say it was. Say you leave your car door open because you secretly hope that someone that you don't like and believe is a thief will steal something. Guess what, that thief would still be charged. There is no set of circumstances where picking up a random $100 on the ground is a crime. I can't believe dudes are seriously pushing this line of reasoning.
Say it was. Say you leave a 100 dollar on the floor because you secretly hope that someone that you don’t like and believe is a thief will steal something. Guess what, that thief will be still charged. There is no set circumstances where picking a box of shoes is a crime. I can’t believe dude is seriously pushing this line of reasoning.
It's not about stopping the murders though and never will be. You right they can get a couple of months in jail if that but they can put them on papers for years and we know how that can turn out.

Its really just an updated way of the Jim Crow shit with locking black people up for vagrancy and other petty shit just so they can be put on the chain gang or used for convict leasing programs to be forced to go back to work on plantations.

All facts
Say it was. Say you leave a 100 dollar on the floor because you secretly hope that someone that you don’t like and believe is a thief will steal something. Guess what, that thief will be still charged. There is no set circumstances where picking a box of shoes is a crime. I can’t believe dude is seriously pushing this line of reasoning.

WTF? Are you trolling, or do you really not see that everything you just said is wrong and that trying to flip that on me accomplishes nothing.

If a person throws down a $100 bill on the ground and you wait til they leave and then pick it up, that is not a crime. You would not be charged. At worst, a cop might insist that you give it back since the real owner could be identified. And yes, there is a circumstance where picking up a box of shoes is a crime - the circumstance that is being discussed in this very topic.
WTF? Are you trolling, or do you really not see that everything you just said is wrong and that trying to flip that on me accomplishes nothing.

If a person throws down a $100 bill on the ground and you wait til they leave and then pick it up, that is not a crime. You would not be charged. At worst, a cop might insist that you give it back since the real owner could be identified. And yes, there is a circumstance where picking up a box of shoes is a crime - the circumstance that is being discussed in this very topic.
WTF? Are you trolling, or do you really not see that everything you just said is wrong and that trying to flip that on me accomplishes nothing.

If a person throws down a box of shoes on the ground and you wait til they leave and then pick it up, that is not a crime. You would not be charged. At worst, a cop might insist that you give it back since the real owner could be identified. And yes, there is a circumstance where picking up a 100 dollar bill is a crime - the circumstance that is being discussed in this very topic.
WTF? Are you trolling, or do you really not see that everything you just said is wrong and that trying to flip that on me accomplishes nothing.

If a person throws down a box of shoes on the ground and you wait til they leave and then pick it up, that is not a crime. You would not be charged. At worst, a cop might insist that you give it back since the real owner could be identified. And yes, there is a circumstance where picking up a 100 dollar bill is a crime - the circumstance that is being discussed in this very topic.

Aight cool, you're trolling. Have at it.
It's gonna be hard to get sympathy for something like this. The only people who should be afraid of bait tactics are criminals.

Crime is a product of income inequality & and hardship. Economists have shown this through several key studies. By pushing minorities into economic precarity and then setting traps to exploit them, they're essentially feeding the prison industrial complex w non-white bodies through entrapment
This is wrong but its a difficult fight to have. Do this with some fake diamonds or something in a white area if its just about catchin' potential criminals.

Also, lets say 50 people were caught tryin' to steal these Nikes, and 40 of them were first time offenders. Would that represent a success?
My nigga did you just compare opening a truck and taking shoes out of it to finding money on the ground.




when you leave the crib & go bout your day, you're not lookin for money on the ground

but if you come across sum & take it that's stealin right, cuz it was someone else's money

there's levels

if they left the crib intending to hit a shoe truck, I'd side w/ you a lil more

but dangling a piece of meat (in this case shoes) in front of someone's face who's hungry, what you expect?

is hittin a corporation's truck the same as goin in your neighbors truck to steal a stereo?


if they were to hold a job fair or sumn to give the impoverished folks an opportunity & they take it & squander it cuz they'd rather take shoes off a truck, I'll side w/ you

but I can't totally condemn them if they weren't at least shown a better way
Crime is a product of income inequality & and hardship. Economists have shown this through several key studies. By pushing minorities into economic precarity and then setting traps to exploit them, they're essentially feeding the prison industrial complex w non-white bodies through entrapment

True, no argument. Again, I wasn't saying this shit wasn't wrong. I was saying that this revelation won't amount to much because a lot of people, particularly those in power that could change shit like this, will just look at it as being no threat to anyone who isn't already a criminal. This isn't all that different than a sting operation. The only problem is as you say, we know they are targeting minorities specifically.

when you leave the crib & go bout your day, you're not lookin for money on the ground

but if you come across sum & take it that's stealin right, cuz it was someone else's money

there's levels

if they left the crib intending to hit a shoe truck, I'd side w/ you a lil more

but dangling a piece of meat (in this case shoes) in front of someone's face who's hungry, what you expect?

is hit a corporation's truck the same as goin in your neighbors truck to steal a stereo?


if they were to hold a job fair or sumn to give the impoverished folks an opportunity & they take it & squander it cuz they'd rather take shoes off a truck, I'll side w/ you

but I can't totally condemn them if they weren't at least shown a better way

No, finding money on the ground is not stealing. Are ya'll really making this point? Look, the legal definition of theft is:

Theft is defined as the physical removal of an object that is capable of being stolen without the consent of the owner and with the intention of depriving the owner of it permanently.

Money that's just laying there on public property with no claimant cannot by definition be stolen. And once again, two different things are being argued here. Whether the cops are right to do this and whether the truck is the same as just randomly finding money. Everyone agrees that the cops are wrong. The only point of contention here is that for some reason some people think that randomly finding something on the ground is the same as violating a person's vehicle and taking the contents inside.