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Video: police allegedly left a “bait truck” filled with Nike shoes in a black Chicago neighborhood


It'd be one thing if they conspired to go rob the nike factory

you ever found sum money on the ground & pocketed it?

It'd be one thing if they was roamin the streets takin em of people feet

My thing is, if you kno these folks is impoverished lookin for a way to make ends & don't try to at least show them a way or opportunity as opposed to a bait truck, I won't really condemn those impoverished folks

My nigga did you just compare opening a truck and taking shoes out of it to finding money on the ground.


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If I park a Krispy Kreme donut bait truck with the doors wide open with glaze & sprinkles pouring out of the side of each donut while it's in front of a police station then no cop shouldn't touch it
The article said they left the truck open.

You still going down this line of reasoning.

If you can't see the difference between opening a vehicle that's not yours and taking something out that you know someone owns is the same as finding money on the street that is impossible to tie to anyone, I don't know what to tell you.
What people don't understand is that crime is actually down,so when crime goes down what do you

think is the next step for law enforcement ? To create crimes,that's also why down south they were

trying to pass that anti sagging pants bill. You can't criminalize how someone wears clothes unless

they're showing genatalia.
All of you trying to make comparisons are missing how they don't target other specific groups like this. And police right now are looking highly suspect in Chicago with these weekend killing sprees of invisible shooters.

Something is severely off in that city. A real life "Purge" could be happening under our very noses even. We all know stealing is bad, but this seems like more after considering all of that. Dismissing it like "they got what they deserve" is exactly what race soldiers would want the public to think.

Y'all have good moral points, but this looks like a case of not drinking the kool-aid just yet.
You still going down this line of reasoning.

If you can't see the difference between opening a vehicle that's not yours and taking something out that you know someone owns is the same as finding money on the street that is impossible to tie to anyone, I don't know what to tell you.

Did you see the single, lone, short, solitary sentence you quoted that said the truck was already fucking open?


...and this is gonna be hard for you to grasp...

since the police bought those jordans that they left there presumably with taxpayer money... there never was a theft since those jordans belong to the people. And yes black people do pay taxes (even though we shouldn't).
wait... why am i trying to explain on a site called "a black web" why leaving bait cars in black neighborhoods and only black neighborhoods is foul again?
Did you see the single, lone, short, solitary sentence you quoted that said the truck was already fucking open?


...and this is gonna be hard for you to grasp...

since the police bought those jordans that they left there presumably with taxpayer money... there never was a theft since those jordans belong to the people. And yes black people do pay taxes (even though we shouldn't).

Nigga are you fucking serious? Just stop with this bullshit. If your car door is open, does that mean anyone in the vicinity has the right to go in it and take your shit?

And that taxpayer argument is retarded. By your logic, I can go on a military base and fly a plane away because it was bought with taxpayer money. Please tell me that you're not being serious with this stupidity.
My thing is how much time can you really get for taking shoes? Some months? How does this stop murder and shit. Oh lets create a crime to catch criminals. Seems stupid.
My thing is how much time can you really get for taking shoes? Some months? How does this stop murder and shit. Oh lets create a crime to catch criminals. Seems stupid.

It is stupid. We all agree with that, but niggas shouldn't be stealing shit just because it's there. Bait like that shouldn't ever work because people should have better judgement. To be fair, it doesn't seem like anyone actually fell for the bait, so all of this discussion is academic.
Did you leave the car in a poor black community as “bait”?

Again, no one is arguing that what the cops did wasn't stupid or racist. I think we all agree that it was. This dude is claiming that going into an open vehicle and taking shit out of it is the same as picking up money off the ground. That's just stupid.
Again, no one is arguing that what the cops did wasn't stupid or racist. I think we all agree that it was. This dude is claiming that going into an open vehicle and taking shit out of it is the same as picking up money off the ground. That's just stupid.
You leave an open truck filled with shoes anywhere and someone will take some shit. I understand the analogy.
Nigga are you fucking serious? Just stop with this bullshit. If your car door is open, does that mean anyone in the vicinity has the right to go in it and take your shit?

And that taxpayer argument is retarded. By your logic, I can go on a military base and fly a plane away because it was bought with taxpayer money. Please tell me that you're not being serious with this stupidity.

Can you stop ignoring the fact that they only use these bait tactics in black neighborhoods you white supremacist you.
You leave an open truck filled with shoes anywhere and someone will take some shit. I understand the analogy.

So you're telling me that you believe that a nigga taking your stereo because you forgot to close your car door is the same as picking up a C note that's just laying on the ground?

Can you stop ignoring the fact that they only use these bait tactics in black neighborhoods you white supremacist you.

Whose ignoring that? I've already said that the tactic is stupid and racist. My points are that the tactic being stupid and racist doesn't excuse or justify the actions of the people who take the bait and that you're going to have trouble getting people to care about something like this because, at the end of the day, the ones caught are still criminals.
So you're telling me that you believe that a nigga taking your stereo because you forgot to close your car door is the same as picking up a C note that's just laying on the ground?

None of this actually happened though. What really happened... and what this thread is about... is the police setting black people up.

By your logic if the police were leaving random 100 dollar bills on the ground and arresting anyone picking them up that would be fair since you shouldn't take shit that doesn't belong to you.

You're trying to downplay that comparison but you can't if you're being honest.
Did you see the single, lone, short, solitary sentence you quoted that said the truck was already fucking open?


...and this is gonna be hard for you to grasp...

since the police bought those jordans that they left there presumably with taxpayer money... there never was a theft since those jordans belong to the people. And yes black people do pay taxes (even though we shouldn't).
wow........i tend to not like this nigga.....but this is a wonderful outlook.

very good fucking point...i hope lawyers use this.