I caught the westworld vibes too but I thought maybe I was reaching lol.
Like the whole copying humans to be able to control them but not being able to figure out how copy consciousness, or souls the way Us puts it. Red Lupita wants to lead the rest of the clones, like the robots in westworld, to ultimately just get free. She's seen both worlds, above and below, and knows everybody below never got a chance to experience anything the people above did.
The robots in westworld slowly start to understand that they're actually more human than the humans and the line blurs so much that you cant argue it. In westworld theres also the idea of transferring consciousness. So you can take one robot's brain and put it in another body and they're the same person. In Us, the humans and clones are both humans so like with Addy, you can take a clone and put them among humans and they can mimic it. We're not static so one person can be a completely different person in another environment.
Also theres a part in s2 where all the robots die and are floating in the water at the beach...there was a part in Us where the clones are standing in the water at the beach holding hands.