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OPINION UK aunty squares up with child for being disrespectful towards her

She shouldn't put hands on the girl because you don't know that girl, her parents etc and moreso people move mad nowadays. Like someone else said she's lucky that she didn't get stomped out by the other kids with the girl.

With that being said (and having African parents myself), at that girl's age my parents would have been embarrassed at me at the minimum for talking to that woman like that. It would be seen as a reflection of "bad upbringing".

Even Lowkey the girl's sister that tweeted knows this... I mean why you calling an older black African woman "aunty" when she put hands on your fam if the respect isn't ingrained in you subconsciously from your own upbringing too?
"This ain't africa" wasn't on some self-hating shit. It was a lesson from the youth to the old head. It was a statement of fact.. "You try to scold me and I don't know you could end up going a whole different way than what you're used to." Over here it in the states it would have been "this ain't back in the days" aka mind your business lady. "Auntie" took it to the next level. I'm surprised she didn't get mashed out. That shows a level of respect right there because those fries were looking golden, crispy and righteous with just the right amount of ketchup and seeing them hit the floor hurt my heart for real.
My issue is also with a few of y’all.

are y’all hearing ya selves?

If that was América the lady would be stomped out.

we fucking up more than the lady. Our kids will jump on an adult for correction.
niggas above, don’t talk to elders like that but respectfully speaking in your defense?
That lil girl was getting out of pocket.
We mocking our elders now?
No embarrassment from yall if this was your kid but you better not touch em.
This not why we are where we are?
Who can tell our kids what once it gets to a certain point?
Like i said, depending on the correcting and what she was correcting, I’m on the ladies side.
Watch ya fucking mouth youngin.
My issue is also with a few of y’all.

are y’all hearing ya selves?

If that was América the lady would be stomped out.

we fucking up more than the lady. Our kids will jump on an adult for correction.
niggas above, don’t talk to elders like that but respectfully speaking in your defense?
That lil girl was getting out of pocket.
We mocking our elders now?
No embarrassment from yall if this was your kid but you better not touch em.
This not why we are where we are?
Who can tell our kids what once it gets to a certain point?
Like i said, depending on the correcting and what she was correcting, I’m on the ladies side.
Watch ya fucking mouth youngin.

Also that little girl wasn't outta pocket. in the real world that old broad was the only person that committed a crime in that video and that crime was assaulting a minor. so wtf are we doing here?
My issue is also with a few of y’all.

are y’all hearing ya selves?

If that was América the lady would be stomped out.

we fucking up more than the lady. Our kids will jump on an adult for correction.
niggas above, don’t talk to elders like that but respectfully speaking in your defense?
That lil girl was getting out of pocket.
We mocking our elders now?
No embarrassment from yall if this was your kid but you better not touch em.
This not why we are where we are?
Who can tell our kids what once it gets to a certain point?
Like i said, depending on the correcting and what she was correcting, I’m on the ladies side.
Watch ya fucking mouth youngin.
You don't put hands on people's children, the lady was out of pocket
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Aint none of y’all gonna let some young dude get in ya face and act the same and y’all walk away.
Cut it out
Aint none of y’all gonna let some young dude get in ya face and act the same and y’all walk away.
Cut it out
I don't know what happened previously but they were in a line(queue to di uk man dem) likkle girl didn't get in her face, she just turned around.

As for myself being an adult, I'm sure most high school teachers will tell you, you gotta use your words.
Caught myself responding to some lil jit that backtalked me one day. Where I grew up teenagers, young adults, even proper grown ass people don't go out their way to disrespect older folks so like the African lady my first instinct was to box(slap) the shit out of youngblood.

I caught myself, admitted openly my part in the misunderstanding and talked it out with youngboy whereas we both left the argument laughing and talking.

Now I'm not saying this is how every adult vs adolescent tete a tete will go, it's just more on the adult to exhaust all means before it gets out of hand, imo. That's if you coming from some place of community like I think the African lady was.

If you not on that then some times you gotta fuck one of these kids up, word to bernie.

Just don't believe age won't let them do the same to you
nah blood
You just added nothing but some "I can't understand them cause they talk like this" looking for lol's

If you can't understand them the tweets, the actions in the video, and the conversation in here provided more than enough context clues.

But nah u can't understand em and now we all know.
Thanks bruv


Children (and a teenager is a child whether they acknowledge it or not) need to be taught boundaries and respect for elders in my opinion. The girl in the video, without any context on my end, wanted to act grown and got taught a lesson...


Lets not pretend like some adults don't try to flex on kids for the sake of feeling superior. That's a separate problem
  • Ether
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Children (and a teenager is a child whether they acknowledge it or not) need to be taught boundaries and respect for elders in my opinion. The girl in the video, without any context on my end, wanted to act grown and got taught a lesson...


Lets not pretend like some adults don't try to flex on kids for the sake of feeling superior. That's a separate problem
Gat damn my man threw on that rosetta stone and got an understanding in mere seconds, look at you go lol

But nah, I understand where "aunty" coming from but keep your hands to yourself as much as possible.
That old lady was outta pocket, was the clear aggressor, told the girl to shut up straight away. Nah, that shit ain't it. The thing about respect you gotta give it to receive it and the lady didn't conduct herself in a way deserving of her station.

Ain't nobody putting hands on me or mines, I could care less about the back in the day brigade. I don't believe in raising a hand to a child in anger, so how could I condone letting a stranger do so to my child? My parents generation isn't somehow infallible. I'm all for respecting my elders but that comes with an expectation that the elder conducts themselves in a respectful manner that the younger person then must meet, that's not present in this video. Don't come trying to discipline me when you lack discipline yourself.
UK aunties different from other aunties????

I knew a Haitian chick who spoke creole

she refused to teach her child creole because they was now in America.
Whats wrong with this statement?
A lot of Asian families do this because they believe their children will fit In With no problems and not be seen as "other" it's wild being bilingual should be celebrated
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I knew a Haitian chick who spoke creole

she refused to teach her child creole because they was now in America.
Whats wrong with this statement?

That is stupid and not the same she just had self hate. This is America where strangers and people you know might abuse or molest your kid but I guess discipline is more important
Just because her back was turned means nothing.
So am I the only person here who taught their kids to not engage and remove yourself when dealing with adults?

for the youngin was cool up until the mocking and asking her what was she gonna do.

nah…..that’s outta pocket and you open challenged someone.

I get what y’all saying but sometimes our parental teachings need to be more powerful than the need to look cool.