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Turkey Leg Hut Enforces New Dress Code

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Never heard of the place before this thread.

I don't understand how black people don't understand other black people having an issue with other black people policing black people on what they wear, in order to be able to go to their establishment and enjoy a meal. We get enough of that from culturally clueless people who think your baggy pants means you're gonna shoot the place up, a bra strap showing means you're a whore, etc. You can't sag your pant in some places, for fear of arrest or citation. Etc, etc, etc. And now, niggas can't even slide outta bed, throw on some baggy sweats and slides, and go grab a gotdamn turkey leg.

Yeah, this is all cool for jokes and threads and isn't really that serious in the grand scheme of things. But if you LEGIT don't understand why some people are bothered by this, then that's puzzling.

If we were playing six degrees of separation, this dress code wouldn't be very many degrees away from 'He was black and in a hoodie, so I thought he was suspicious.'
Some of u niggaz are annoying af (race 5th letter gabi whoever tf else arguing this shit)
They said :
No slides
No ass out
No baggy shit(who tf even still wears baggy clothing)

And in y'all head that translates to y'all gotta wear suit and tie and church dresses?
And y'all mad they got "hut" in their name so how dare they demand this..

Niggaz mayne
They're asking for the bare fucking minimum
Whenever I see kings in fantasy movies they're eating a giant turkey Leg. It's fit for a king. So we should look the part when we eating turkey legs.
The dress code ain’t even strict. People complaining just to complain but that’s expected, that’s all Twitter seems to do.

I don't think it's the dress code itself as much as what the dress code and others like it imply. Which is, as has been said in this thread, some think that if you're dressed a certain way then you'll act a certain way. Which is stupid as fuck. So if people start coming there in business casual clothes and still act a fool we all know they ain't about to add "No brunch boots allowed" to their dress code