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Training Day Director Set To Remake Scarface

lmaooo so people under 30 didnt go see black panther? I'm pretty sure nearly 40% of the mfs who went to see that shit were under 30. Let me go check the facts.

Yall niggas aint being real about this shit man lol
All the originality moved to the small screen. Yes we're in a comic book era(which I love), but we're also in a golden era for television shows. I only get hype for a few movies that show in theaters as opposed to all the goat shit that comes on TV now.
lmaooo so people under 30 didnt go see black panther? I'm pretty sure nearly 40% of the mfs who went to see that shit were under 30. Let me go check the facts.

Yall niggas aint being real about this shit man lol
Classic Goldie. Zero in on one thing and act like nothing else happens. Good debate sir. Until next time
All the originality moved to the small screen. Yes we're in a comic book era(which I love), but we're also in a golden era for television shows. I only get hype for a few movies that show in theaters as opposed to all the goat shit that comes on TV now.
Where do most of the GOAT new shows come on?
Shows =/= movies. shows = small screen, movies = big screen.

Even if u want to count the movies on netflix, it still doesn't compare lol shit even them mfs be comic book shit too (ie the will smith movie smh) shits corny man.
its the 30+ crowd that are packing the theater for Transformers and Fast & Furious. You really think a nigga under 30 really give a shit about a scarface reboot, a movie that came out 35 years ago? No that audience is older.

This is what he said. Word for word.

The facts and the numbers to support it, is that the age group of 18-24 go to the movies nearly the exact same amount as the age group (25-34). These are facts.

So the point in the quote is a moot point.
This thread gave me an idea for a series tho.

What yall think of doing a poll for the best movie from each year start 1990? Or should we go back to the 80s?
I kind of like homages and remakes. They make the originals more significant. It might suck that a piece of art is not able to stand on its own without being a reference to something else, but at the same time, that is all art. Even art that draws on real life is not really that meaningful when examined from outside of those life experiences and frames of reference.

They better give Pacino a cameo, even if it's just a small role. I love easter eggs like that
Come on guys Scarface IS a remake SMMFH. The 1983 film was a remake of a 1932 film of the same name. It used Italians and the Mafia, the 1983 version used the cocaine trade and influx of Cuban immigrants.

Fuqua is a great director. I do agree with the notion that Hollywood should take chances with original movies but Scarface is not the movie to base that on LOLOLOLOL

Even more reason not to remake it....again

It's just laziness at this point.
The shit's unoriginal and lazy. He doesn't even have the resume to be doing some shit like this.

I hate what the big screen has become.
They were in talks of doing a Scarface remake for a few years now. Was said to be in talks with Leonardo DiCaprio to play Tony,I guess didn’t go well.