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Trainer Fires Client Over Burger

It had me gassy AS FUCK! I was bloated like nobody’s business and I kept complaining to my mother about being constipated. I was sluggish and they were like make sure I’m drinking a BCAA, so now it makes me wonder some more.

Now I’m someone who has also had history with being pre diabetic so my blood sugar has been a definite issue. I ended up cutting the starches back out and they seemed to help with that issue but I felt like the trainer wasn’t listening to me saying it doesn’t help me specifically. My blood sugar is normal for the first time in maybe 22 years.

I’m curious now 😂 can I message you?
Yes. Of course.
He still a pro though. Just ain’t professional

I wanted to circle back to the professional thread and how some folks saying it’s white shit I but fuck it.
Pro means he has a certification, IFBB Pro designator or USPLA pro designator.

Dude aint winning any trophies, swords or competitions.

He aint organizing or hosting any powerlifting competitions.

Just a Jenny Craig with none of the payoff.