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Trainer Fires Client Over Burger

You're assuming this was the first time and not the last straw. If you're right, yeah he's bugging, but to be that upset about the shit, I'm guessing this isn't the first time she's pulled that. I think he was also pissed about her reaction when he called her out. It seemed like she didn't care one way or the other, so why should he?
I definitely dont think this was the first time, but eating "bad" once or twice a week aint gon ruin you.
I definitely dont think this was the first time, but eating "bad" once or twice a week aint gon ruin you.

True. I wonder if he built cheat days into her meal plan or not. A hamburger on Sunday ain't that bad unless yo ass was just allowed to eat a whole meat lover's pizza on Saturday. lol
Did somebody really say it's not his business what his client eats? What! lmao!

They literally pay him to train them and plan their meals...how is what they eat not his business?

As far as the tweet in the OP......fake so don't care.
Fair, but I would just up the price & tell them. You wanna waste time & efforts? You're gonna pay for it outta pocket 💰🥶
True. I wonder if he built cheat days into her meal plan or not. A hamburger on Sunday ain't that bad unless yo ass was just allowed to eat a whole meat lover's pizza on Saturday. lol
Yea that was my point lol. Like if somebody was eating recklessly whenever they wanted and then got on a meal plan, it's unrealistic to think they gon follow it exactly to the letter. They gon grab a double quarter pounder from time to time cuz that's what they used to. It's not the end of the world if you cheated your diet if you stuck to it at least 75% of the way for somebody new to being healthy.
It was foul.
Fat shaming someone isn’t going to make them somehow magically crave unhealthy foods less and stay on track.

WITH HIS SHORT UGLY ASS. He could’ve never thought!!!

Anyway, on my own journey I’ve discovered that a lot of these trainers will try something and think it works that way for all of their clients. I joined a fitness challenge and the coach kept saying to eat the rice and potatoes in my meal plan. It wasn’t working for me, I cut the starches out altogether before then so I went back to not eating them and here I am. I’m two full sizes down and still going.

In my experience, the more carbs I ate, the more I craved unhealthy foods.
And going through the pictures it looks like he never struggled with his weight.

That’s like someone always being skinny and telling a fat person what it’s like to be fat and you’ve never lived it, lmao.
Foul. When I had my trainer, he allowed me a cheat meal and let me know that next day or that day would be the day I work out harder.

all that shit he typed in that post could’ve been a conversation with him and his client. That shit was highly unprofessional.
It was foul.
Fat shaming someone isn’t going to make them somehow magically crave unhealthy foods less and stay on track.

WITH HIS SHORT UGLY ASS. He could’ve never thought!!!

Anyway, on my own journey I’ve discovered that a lot of these trainers will try something and think it works that way for all of their clients. I joined a fitness challenge and the coach kept saying to eat the rice and potatoes in my meal plan. It wasn’t working for me, I cut the starches out altogether before then so I went back to not eating them and here I am. I’m two full sizes down and still going.

In my experience, the more carbs I ate, the more I craved unhealthy foods.

What was the cutoff time for your carb intake and how many grams per serving?

I have my clients cut complex carbs out by 6:30pm, if they feel that carb starved then they can eat about 3 grams of sweet potato or brown rice.

I checked his page out and yeah... This dude aint building competitors so he has no reason to be acting the way he does.

I could understand if they was a month out from stepping on stage, but nah just some booty bootcamp bullshit.
What was the cutoff time for your carb intake and how many grams per serving?

I have my clients cut complex carbs out by 6:30pm, if they feel that carb starved then they can eat about 3 grams of sweet potato or brown rice.

I checked his page out and yeah... This dude aint building competitors so he has no reason to be acting the way he does.

I could understand if they was a month out from stepping on stage, but nah just some booty bootcamp bullshit.

I’d have to go back and check the meal plans I had. I no longer follow them. I consume about 24 grams of carbs NOW, before I was consuming more on his plan. I do not enjoy rice so I will not eat it and sweet potatoes are eh.

I stuck with the workouts and everything else. Right now I’m still losing and fitting into clothes that I purchased too small lol. I’m almost 60 pounds down. Once I caught on to how I should prep my meals, everything else fell into place. I had to take into account my own personal issues and what I can not eat that someone else may simply be able to.
I’d have to go back and check the meal plans I had. I no longer follow them. I consume about 24 grams of carbs NOW, before I was consuming more on his plan. I do not enjoy rice so I will not eat it and sweet potatoes are eh.

I stuck with the workouts and everything else. Right now I’m still losing and fitting into clothes that I purchased too small lol. I’m almost 60 pounds down. Once I caught on to how I should prep my meals, everything else fell into place. I had to take into account my own personal issues and what I can not eat that someone else may simply be able to.

So I just popped my jaw while grinding my teeth from reading this and wondering what the fffffuck that trainer was doing.

Thats just undoing any progress and causes a plateau.

No basic carbs allowed on a cut.

only complex carbs like red potatoes and brown rice and never after 6:30pm.

Sweet potato aint for everyone's palette but it keepa you regular and takes calories to breakdown.

Empty calorie fish like tilapia will help put you on a calorie deficit while providing the omega oils needed to prevent injury.

That carb intake they had you on had to have made you sluggish and gassy huh?
Did somebody really say it's not his business what his client eats? What! lmao!

They literally pay him to train them and plan their meals...how is what they eat not his business?

As far as the tweet in the OP......fake so don't care.

You answered your own question, chief.

The way it works is that the client exchanges money for goods or services. The service he provides is creating the meal plan and physically training her.

He gives her the meal plan and trains her...she gives him money. That's it. That's the interaction. If I'm the client, I tell him 'Dawg, the part you play in all this ends when I leave the gym and when you hand over that meal plan. Fuck are you talking about?'
I took a real hard look at his page and this dude aint building champions.

He aint even a champion his damnself.

Just a hyperactive nigga with an entrepreneurial spirit.

He got them pushing a powersled for all of 20 feet and on carpet.

Doesn't own a single olympic bar.

Doesn't correct shitty form.

No overhead space for dynamic jumps.

The fact that no men workout at your "gym" is quite telling.

That aint a gym, it's a Jenny Craig on layaway.
So I just popped my jaw while grinding my teeth from reading this and wondering what the fffffuck that trainer was doing.

Thats just undoing any progress and causes a plateau.

No basic carbs allowed on a cut.

only complex carbs like red potatoes and brown rice and never after 6:30pm.

Sweet potato aint for everyone's palette but it keepa you regular and takes calories to breakdown.

Empty calorie fish like tilapia will help put you on a calorie deficit while providing the omega oils needed to prevent injury.

That carb intake they had you on had to have made you sluggish and gassy huh?

It had me gassy AS FUCK! I was bloated like nobody’s business and I kept complaining to my mother about being constipated. I was sluggish and they were like make sure I’m drinking a BCAA, so now it makes me wonder some more.

Now I’m someone who has also had history with being pre diabetic so my blood sugar has been a definite issue. I ended up cutting the starches back out and they seemed to help with that issue but I felt like the trainer wasn’t listening to me saying it doesn’t help me specifically. My blood sugar is normal for the first time in maybe 22 years.

I’m curious now 😂 can I message you?
You answered your own question, chief.

The way it works is that the client exchanges money for goods or services. The service he provides is creating the meal plan and physically training her.

He gives her the meal plan and trains her...she gives him money. That's it. That's the interaction. If I'm the client, I tell him 'Dawg, the part you play in all this ends when I leave the gym and when you hand over that meal plan. Fuck are you talking about?'