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Trainer Fires Client Over Burger

completely foul and ridiculous. anybody that struggles with weight knows how hard it is to stop certain habits. this rude piece of shit should have shown more empathy and patience with their client

furthermore, they are paying you, so if they arent taking their journey seriously, thats on them.

continue to educate and work with your client
completely foul and ridiculous. anybody that struggles with weight knows how hard it is to stop certain habits. this rude piece of shit should have shown more empathy and patience with their client

furthermore, they are paying you, so if they arent taking their journey seriously, thats on them.

I hear what you're saying, and yeah he didn't have to be so rude, but the trainers that aren't just out for the money actually care about seeing their clients do better. My wife got a personal trainer after she had our second daughter, and you could tell dude really put a lot of effort into tailoring things and setting it up just for her. So if you work that hard to help someone, and they're constantly cheating the plan and lying about it, that's got to be frustrating. I'm also sure this wasn't the first time he caught her, so it's not like his outburst is coming out of nowhere.

Either you serious about doing better or you're not. At some point, it being hard is not an excuse to not commit.
I hear what you're saying, and yeah he didn't have to be so rude, but those people care. My wife got a personal trainer after she had our second daughter, and you could tell dude really put a lot of effort into tailoring things and setting it up just for her. So if you work that hard to help someone, and they're constantly cheating the plan and lying about it, that's got to be frustrating. I'm also sure this wasn't the first time he caught her, so it's not like his outburst is coming out of nowhere.

Either you serious about doing better or you're not. At some point, it being hard is not an excuse to not commit.

if youre going to cut ties with your client, do it professionally. theres no excuse for this behavior.

the client dodged a bullet
he dont give a fuck about her “success” if he aired her out on social media and cut ties with her


He kept everything anonymous, so it's not like she's on front street, and its completely fair for him as a professional to want clients that are going to commit. Him not wanting to continue to fight a losing battle is not the same as him not caring about her success.

He basically gave the best reason. People like that client will cheat and then bash the trainer because they aren't meeting their goals. That's bad for his business, and it's probably in his best interest not to keep clients like that.

Fair in the sense that if this trainer wants to be a ridiculous, abusive asshole, who likely just shot himself in the foot professionally, because he wanted to get in his feelings about something wasn't his business...then that his choice as an entrepreneur.
Foul. You getting paid to get up at 3am, 4am, etc. and developing these plans. If you not charging for that extra, that’s on you. Not your business what your client eats either.

lol But it is. It's literally his business to plan out his client's meals and hold them accountable.

Yes, what he did was unprofessional, but some of these comments ya'll are making sound like ya'll don't really understand what personal trainers do. Some of them just work out with clients and that's it, but a lot of them insert themselves into the lives and lifestyles of their clients a lot more and their clients know and claim to want that.
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Foul. You getting paid to get up at 3am, 4am, etc. and developing these plans. If you not charging for that extra, that’s on you. Not your business what your client eats either.

He’s a asshole. And very UNPROFESSIONAL

But if folks see his methods ain’t working folks are not going to want him as a trainer.

He didn’t have to be an ass but the client ain’t dedicated.

Both are dumb.
If this was the first offense, he should have talked with her and explained to her why it cant happen under his watch. People are going to slip when they first start working out. Takes a while to form a habit

Now if she did this multiple times, then cut ties. Could have left socal media out of it.