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To Vote or Not to Vote. That is the question....

What happens when a team is under performing? Coaches get fired. Players get traded. Players get cut. Changes are made. They don't just sit there and complain that things didn't go as planned. They adjust. they make changes. they hold themselves to a higher standard.
Second time u used this example yet Biden campaign feels like a Hillary 2.0 run.

I think literally the only reason he got nominated was bc his ties to Obama and that ppl might feel safer bc of that.

Out of everyone that was running in DNC he's the least different than Hillary and least drastic change.

Whatever adjustments made were minimal at best.

If u agree with this how can u say DNC has their voters best interest in mind? They're forcing practically the same candidate on us who lost last time that clearly enough people didn't want.
Alright I haven't read this entire thread, I read page 1 and now I'm adding my $0.02

The premise of voting is either supporting the democratic party or supporting the republican party. A lot of people don't know the difference so I'll try to explain.

If you think voting is pointless because the government doesn't address your needs then you should vote republican

If you want the government to address your needs then vote democrat.

Here's why; The democratic philosophy is that the government can fix societies' programs via government sponsored programs. The democrats will write a bill that is supposed to help the elderly, minorities, LGBT, women, etc. These government programs will be paid for by raising taxes. If they raise taxes on the rich by 1/2% then you could use that money to help the homeless, or fund schools. Or you could raise taxes on cigarettes or alcohol and use that money for Covid-19 research. Or raise the highway tolls by 5% and use that money to fix potholes in the highway (infrastructure). Democrats believe in, "Tax and Spend".

The republicans believe that the number one problem in America is the government and government programs. Republicans feel that if they reduced funding to all of the government programs, people who work would pay less taxes. Then private corporations or not-for-profit organizations could address those problems with the elderly, minorities, LGBT, women, or whatever. Republicans feel that government programs are inherently ineffective because of the bureaucracy that a program has to go through to get anything done. Republicans want to reduce government spending by discontinuing programs that are ineffective, or pointless. In contrast, democrats think if a program is ineffective, they should spend more, as if putting more money toward a program that doesn't work is the solution.

So basically, if you want more computers in inner city schools, vote democrat. The alternative is to move out of the inner city and vote republican because the schools in the suburbs already have computers and they work fine. Also, if you vote republican, in theory, you'd be paying less money in taxes and you could buy your own computer.

Here's another example. A democratic candidate might promise to give school teachers a 5% raise. A republican, on the other hand, would give school teachers a tax break (say $500) and keep their salaries the same. So would you rather give school teachers a raise, or a tax break?

In conclusion;

Democrats believe in using tax money to fix societies' problems

Republicans believe that taxes and government spending is societies' problem.

So when you vote, it doesn't really matter on the candidate, what matters is his party affiliation. When you walk in that voting booth you'll see a bunch of people you've never heard of running for alderman, assemblyman, state senator, judges, sheriffs, prison wardens, and of course congressmen, senators and president. If you believe in the democratic ideology, just vote democrat across the board. If you believe in the republican ideology vote republican across the board.

If you think voting is pointless, vote republican. Because if there's a republican majority they will cut taxes and you can rest assured that they won't use your tax money to fund any bills. Voting republican means you're not expecting anything from the government, you just want your paycheck and want to pay as little taxes as possible.

Here's one way to look at it;

If you're paycheck is $1,000

With a Republican budget you'll pay $90.00 in taxes so your paycheck will be $910.00

With a Democrat budget you'll pay $210 in taxes so your paycheck will be $790.00

The democrats make all these promises to solve crime and unemployment and take your tax dollars to implement government programs.

The republicans don't make any promises and will probably cut funding to every government program as soon as they step foot in office.
If we get 4 more years of trump that means more conservative judges which will become the majority...that thought alone should make anyone who is serious about america progressing wanna get trump the fuck outta here, these is lifetime judges so when youre perfect candidate with perfect ideas finally gets in, he or she wont be able to do a damn thing

voting for president is useless unless you're in a swing state that could be swayed by a couple thousand votes

should focus more energy on local elections

You're missing the point. What about the aldermen, assemblymen and state senators?
Man I'm tired of arguing in circles. It gets us nowhere.

I'm for my community getting the justice and equality we deserve.

To the end, if we can all agree on the fact that we deserve and need an agenda exclusively for us, then lets create it. Lets focus on the issues amd solutions that directly impact us

From there, we draft it into a formal demand. Then send it to our politicians both local and otherwise. And we stand on that shit. We let them know we need this or they can gtfoh
You know what?
To those of you who say voting doesn’t matter, I say this....
That weirdo Charlamagne Tha God actually made a good point:
He said if our vote really doesn’t count, then why are these crackers (like Trump) trying to make it so hard for blacks to vote?
Think about that.
(I’m not a voter, by the way, but never say never).
Man I'm tired of arguing in circles. It gets us nowhere.

I'm for my community getting the justice and equality we deserve.

To the end, if we can all agree on the fact that we deserve and need an agenda exclusively for us, then lets create it. Lets focus on the issues amd solutions that directly impact us

From there, we draft it into a formal demand. Then send it to our politicians both local and otherwise. And we stand on that shit. We let them know we need this or they can gtfoh
I been saying this through both threads! Completely agree. Let’s get this started.

You know what?
To those of you who say voting doesn’t matter, I say this....
That weirdo Charlamagne Tha God actually made a good point:
He said if our vote really doesn’t count, then why are these crackers (like Trump) trying to make it so hard for blacks to vote?
Think about that.
(I’m not a voter, by the way, but never say never).

The answer to CTG's question is the phrase, political fodder.
They want the numbers, but don't care to do for the people.
The point is they want to derail threads

Same shit you and others can call a thread derail cause people talking about how they're not voting.

I can say yall just want an echo chamber of aBiden/Harris dick and pussy sucking thread and Trump bashing thread.

People have valid differences of opinion that ain't derailing shit just cause some of yall don't want to read it. If you don't want to read it skip over the fucking post instead of bitching, crying and complaining about every fucking thing.

This site have given people and ignore button for reason use the shit if that is how yall feel.

Really some soft ass shit niggas on to have @AP21 start whole other thread cause niggas bitching about a difference of opinion.
Same shit you and others can call a thread derail cause people talking about how they're not voting.

I can say yall just want an echo chamber of aBiden/Harris dick and pussy sucking thread and Trump bashing thread.

People have valid differences of opinion that ain't derailing shit just cause some of yall don't want to read it. If you don't want to read it skip over the fucking post instead of bitching, crying and complaining about every fucking thing.

This site have given people and ignore button for reason use the shit if that is how yall feel.

Really some soft ass shit niggas on to have @AP21 start whole other thread cause niggas bitching about a difference of opinion.
As you bitch, cry, and complain, lol.

People were just asking why non-voters felt the need to drop pages of Tweets and insults to voters in an election thread. Then @AP21 did the logical thing and created a new thread for that topic alone. It happens all the time when the topic of conversation in a thread veers to another distinct, relevant topic that people have interest in.

Y’all love conspiracies over the simple truth which drives your justification to not vote in some cases, but sometimes it really is just that simple.
As you bitch, cry, and complain, lol.

People were just asking why non-voters felt the need to drop pages of Tweets and insults to voters in an election thread. Then @AP21 did the logical thing and created a new thread for that topic alone. It happens all the time when the topic of conversation in a thread veers to another distinct, relevant topic that people have interest in.

Y’all love conspiracies over the simple truth which drives your justification to not vote in some cases, but sometimes it really is just that simple.

Stop it! You know got damn well that wasn't all folks was doing. Insults were dropped by plenty of people who going to vote and who not going vote.

If you can't even be real about something as simple as that put me on ignore or don't quote me cause we ain't got shit to talk about