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To Vote or Not to Vote. That is the question....

Does Trump have a black agenda?

Does Biden have a black agenda?

If not then no vote.
Biden does:

Now proceed to bash it. Until we organize and tell them what we want specifically, this is what we get.
Like I’ve been saying all along, what are our demands? Can’t just say reparations, what does that look like. Defined by us, for us. Otherwise, you get the Biden black agenda. Then proceed to complain about that.

You've been johnny come lately all ya life.
Biden does:

Now proceed to bash it. Until we organize and tell them what we want specifically, this is what we get.
  • Advance the economic mobility of African Americans and close the racial wealth and income gaps.
  • Expand access to high-quality education and tackle racial inequity in our education system.
  • Make far-reaching investments in ending health disparities by race.
  • Strengthen America’s commitment to justice.
  • Make the right to vote and the right to equal protection real for African Americans.
  • Address environmental justice.
What exactly does any of that mean?

And that was my point. Didn’t I say we need to organize and hand these politicians an agenda of our own creation that has specific policies we want to see enacted?

In the absence of that, this is what you get.

You've been johnny come lately all ya life.

So you going to hand a politician this 2 hour long YouTube video?

You on Race status with me now when it comes to politics. You not making any sense and just being anti for anti’s sake and making snide remarks to hide the fact you got nothing.
I understand the viewpoint of non voters somewhat but some of the rhetoric and name calling bothers me.. If you vote you get told you dont read lol.. You not in the community.. You not in the streets protesting, etc.. I dont understand why you cant to do both.. Cause Im out here.. Not just tweeting.. In a perfect world I would like to not have to be a "lesser of two evils voter" but is it what it is.. Its a two party system so im not gonna bitch about it.. Im all for tearing down the system but whats the plan? Can we really get on code? What are the tangibles that we are looking for? A clear cut concise plan..We say we want a candidate with a black agenda but when other posters ask exactly what, its crickets.. If Bidens plan isnt enough then what is? Until then we're stuck with what we have..

I would like reparations and shit too but I'm not an one issue voter. And its way deeper than just Biden vs Trump.. Are you ok with racist judges being appointed for life? Incompetent ppl in place as Secretary of Education, etc? You ok with your social security being taken away in the future? Im not.. Thats my reason for voting.. And yes im in MS and Trump is gonna win the state no matter what.. But what if my ppl in Florida or Ohio had that my vote doesnt matter mindset.. You cant afford to.

And its disrespectful af to say aint shit changed.. Tell that to my mama who was getting crosses burned in her yard as a kid.. Was part of the first class that was able to go to school with whites and now my brother is superintendent of the district that crackers didnt even want niggas at.. Ppl really laid their life on the line and hoteps wanna get on line and tell you how stupid you are for voting.. From their phone at that.. Its insulting to our ancestors
I understand the viewpoint of non voters somewhat but some of the rhetoric and name calling bothers me.. If you vote you get told you dont read lol.. You not in the community.. You not in the streets protesting, etc.. I dont understand why you cant to do both.. Cause Im out here.. Not just tweeting.. In a perfect world I would like to not have to be a "lesser of two evils voter" but is it what it is.. Its a two party system so im not gonna bitch about it.. Im all for tearing down the system but whats the plan? Can we really get on code? What are the tangibles that we are looking for? A clear cut concise plan..We say we want a candidate with a black agenda but when other posters ask exactly what, its crickets.. If Bidens plan isnt enough then what is? Until then we're stuck with what we have..

I would like reparations and shit too but I'm not an one issue voter. And its way deeper than just Biden vs Trump.. Are you ok with racist judges being appointed for life? Incompetent ppl in place as Secretary of Education, etc? You ok with your social security being taken away in the future? Im not.. Thats my reason for voting.. And yes im in MS and Trump is gonna win the state no matter what.. But what if my ppl in Florida or Ohio had that my vote doesnt matter mindset.. You cant afford to.

And its disrespectful af to say aint shit changed.. Tell that to my mama who was getting crosses burned in her yard as a kid.. Was part of the first class that was able to go to school with whites and now my brother is superintendent of the district that crackers didnt even want niggas at.. Ppl really laid their life on the line and hoteps wanna get on line and tell you how stupid you are for voting.. From their phone at that.. Its insulting to our ancestors
Damn, very well put!

It is very disrespectful of people to say nothing’s changed considering where we are now compared to just a few decades ago. Where else have you seen people gain rights this quickly without moving to a different land. It’s a testament to how strong we are and how hard we fight. Imagine the Jews staying in Egypt and gaining rights. You’d think it impossible but we’ve done it for the most part.

The shit’s not perfect by any means, but don’t discount the progress gained from our parents and grandparents just because you want to be anti. And don’t discount the party that is typically on the right side of that equation over those decades.
So you going to hand a politician this 2 hour long YouTube video?

You on Race status with me now when it comes to politics. You not making any sense and just being anti for anti’s sake and making snide remarks to hide the fact you got nothing.
Ya you've got to be trolling. The news report is clear and straight to the point about our demands. You just wanna vote for biden. I've presented more than enough evidence for anyone to understand the position of black americans.
Yall are democrat shills enjoy playing yourself like your sellout parents and grandparents.
I understand the viewpoint of non voters somewhat but some of the rhetoric and name calling bothers me.. If you vote you get told you dont read lol.. You not in the community.. You not in the streets protesting, etc.. I dont understand why you cant to do both.. Cause Im out here.. Not just tweeting.. In a perfect world I would like to not have to be a "lesser of two evils voter" but is it what it is.. Its a two party system so im not gonna bitch about it.. Im all for tearing down the system but whats the plan? Can we really get on code? What are the tangibles that we are looking for? A clear cut concise plan..We say we want a candidate with a black agenda but when other posters ask exactly what, its crickets.. If Bidens plan isnt enough then what is? Until then we're stuck with what we have..

I would like reparations and shit too but I'm not an one issue voter. And its way deeper than just Biden vs Trump.. Are you ok with racist judges being appointed for life? Incompetent ppl in place as Secretary of Education, etc? You ok with your social security being taken away in the future? Im not.. Thats my reason for voting.. And yes im in MS and Trump is gonna win the state no matter what.. But what if my ppl in Florida or Ohio had that my vote doesnt matter mindset.. You cant afford to.

And its disrespectful af to say aint shit changed.. Tell that to my mama who was getting crosses burned in her yard as a kid.. Was part of the first class that was able to go to school with whites and now my brother is superintendent of the district that crackers didnt even want niggas at.. Ppl really laid their life on the line and hoteps wanna get on line and tell you how stupid you are for voting.. From their phone at that.. Its insulting to our ancestors


That’s dope
"No tangibles..no vote"

Meanwhile republicans in power are actively taking away tangible shit..... and by not voting... it's making their job easier


And some of the don't vote crowd will be the first to start a thread or be in a thread about some shit Trump did, ie getting rid of affordable housing and pretty much bragging about it on twitter.
Ya you've got to be trolling. The news report is clear and straight to the point about our demands. You just wanna vote for biden. I've presented more than enough evidence for anyone to understand the position of black americans.
Yall are democrat shills enjoy playing yourself like your sellout parents and grandparents.
Maza Yanga is an anagram. His real name is MAGA Yanza.

I have no proof, just my intuition.

And that was my point. Didn’t I say we need to organize and hand these politicians an agenda of our own creation that has specific policies we want to see enacted?

In the absence of that, this is what you get.
Oh ok gotcha. But certain people have presented agenda but it’s been largely ignored.
  • Advance the economic mobility of African Americans and close the racial wealth and income gaps.
  • Expand access to high-quality education and tackle racial inequity in our education system.
  • Make far-reaching investments in ending health disparities by race.
  • Strengthen America’s commitment to justice.
  • Make the right to vote and the right to equal protection real for African Americans.
  • Address environmental justice.
This all sounds nice...But to get it you have to take from those who are comfortable the way things are..
Right now they have the upper hand and finances to add pressure to any candidate.

The real question is if they don't deliver....Then what?
The irony about niggas asking for tangibles is they are ignoring how they were able to even ask for tangibles. You know there was a time when niggas didn't ask for tangibles because niggas couldn't ask for shit. Like seriously couldn't ask.

And all of these tangibles videos I've seen do not speak for all black people. It also ignores that a lot of legislation that has been passed since the Civil Rights Act actually addressed those very specific tangibles.

Now niggas are mad and want to wonder why we don't get any more tangibles. It's because these anti and hotep niggas think everything is a simple ask or a check in the box that just fixes shit. in 2020 they complain about the simple act of voting and bitch about what they want but they only see voting as just that. A simple act. They always ignore what was sacrificed for us to even get that far.

The nerve of any nigga talking tangibles in 2020. Know your history.
Ya you're a troll. Eat a dick with shit on it.
Ooh, so sensitive, lol. Not with the shit on it and everything. How clever of you. Did you come up with that all by yourself?

People here know I’m not a troll. Even the ones that disagree with me.

You on the other hand...

This all sounds nice...But to get it you have to take from those who are comfortable the way things are..
Right now they have the upper hand and finances to add pressure to any candidate.

The real question is if they don't deliver....Then what?

Then vote them out and elect people who will deliver. It's really that simple.

What happens when a team is under performing? Coaches get fired. Players get traded. Players get cut. Changes are made. They don't just sit there and complain that things didn't go as planned. They adjust. they make changes. they hold themselves to a higher standard.

Why can't we do the same ting with voting? How hard is it really to simply vote for people who have our interest?

Muthafuckas complaining about Biden being at the top of the ticket and they barely know anybody personally who voted for him in the primary.

Why do niggas love waiting until Presidential elections to complain about how we got here like there isn't a whole entire process to get to where we are now?