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Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen

Ayo @Reem, quick question. You got any white friends?

And I'm using the word 'friends' pretty loosely. Associates, acquaintances, whatever. Even if it's just a white nigga that you cool with and CAN - regardless of if you actually HAVE - have conversations about certain race-related shit.

Captain, let's not make this thread about me. I already got a bull's-eye on my back as it is now. .
And even if they didn’t know about this specific event they are still aware of past atrocities...

I agree with you on this.. and that's why I thought Michael Harriots thread was so powerful..

IMO the way it's framed in history books and taught in classes is that these were isolated incidents... Harriots thread breaks down how that shit wasn't isolated.. it was calculated, intentional and systemic.

I'll just re-iterate my post from the first page

the fact that this shit is not taught and is swept under the rug is part of the reason these devils have the gall to say shit like "slavery was so long ago.. get over it".. or "none of my family participated in any of that"

While some may be playing dumb and ACTING like they dont know the extent of the role white supremacy plays in this country... some are truly ignorant and won't even bother to look...
Captain, let's not make this thread about me. I already got a bull's-eye on my back as it is now. .
Dawg, I ain't paid attention to this thread for a while until this morning. I'm just curious. It ain't even that deep. God bless, though.
What you and others are doing now in this thread. When there’s a thread about a black person doing something bad or accused of something. Use this very energy in that thread too. What’s not to understand?

for example when niggas like @DOS_patos treat black people like a monolith over perceived or not perceived negative shit. I need you to go into that thread and quote him and act the same way you're doing now. Make sense? Because I’ve never seen you do that.
then take that up with him

i aint did that shit

call that man out

but to your point, when i see it happening, moving forward, i will address these things and bring them up
There's no such thing as an extremist point of view, either it's the truth or not.
im really trying my hardest to not call you dense, but you can't be serious fam

you telling me, there is NO such thing as an extremist pov?
lol the whole premise of this thread was to discuss how many ignorant white folks straight up didnt know about alot of the fucked up shit their ancestors did, Tulsa being ONE example of many.. and how they reacted to having that mirror put into their face..

Yet here we are, clowning each other for not knowing ALL of that history as well... saying who's blacker and more woke than who...arguing about folks making excuses for white folks(when nobody is doing that).

shit is wild
yo fam, you bout to get kicked from the thread for talking sense in here
This post is funny considering Rosewood was mentioned and the incident is based on white folks being dumb enough to be led to violence based on their own ignorance and ignoring of facts right in their face. In other words...some of them ain't faking. They really are that fucking dumb

but let’s look at the white agenda across the states in that time frame. They created fake science to say black men rape kill white women and our women are hoes. They knew enough to act on any instance that fit those stereotypes. If the agenda is to ignore facts and use genocide tactics they will. You think they really thought they were in the right everytime they lynched somebody?
That's just it. They ain't playing dumb. They really are that stupid and you can see it in how easily the majority are and have been manipulated to hold the viewpoints that do which in the long run has done more damage than good to everybody on the planet including themselves. Again using Rosewood there's a line in the movie where a white man tells another white man the only thing he has going for him over a black man is that he's white. No more no less. They've used that ideal to trick white folks into going against their own best interest and it still works today.

Not disputing that part but it’s like we acting like only the rich powerful white people know about systematic racism. I mean in every state for every year it’s something. Are we supposed to believe it’s only a very active 5% of white people who just control the world and everybody else is dumb?

are we arguing extremes
Discussin theology and discussin whites are different things in my book

Nah my g it's about understanding those who have power in this world and influence. It's quite logical knowing antagonistic beliefs and mindsets against you.
fam, you show very little balance in every discussion. You either one extreme or the other which i think has the tendency to be counterproductive

I'm all for teaching my daughter about the history i wasnt, but she 6 and that's hardly age appropriate discussions to have with a person still trying to wrap her mind around what it is she wants to eat when hungry.

A lot of ya'll on this "WELL I KNOW IT!!! WHY DONT YOU" shit and its tired b/c that energy as i've stated before could easily be spent on saying "if you interested, i read an article/book titled _____ that gives some nice background about this topic"

Again, you rather be more right to prove your blackness.

and I'll say the most obvious thing that apparently is lost on you and some others that share your extremist povs. Simply put, my mother wasnt taught the shit in school that I now know as an adult which i was introduced to by some of my peers, who had very similar upbringings. My mom was born the year MLK died so she didnt experience the civil rights movement at his peak.

Its exhausting at this point b/c ya'll make every rebuttal to ya'lls points some "oh he a coon" shit or "ya'll stay thinking about what white people think" when NONE of that shit has happened in this thread.

and i mean this in the most sincere way possible. If you had/have parents/grandparents who taught you about these things, props to you and them, but that's not the reality for a lot of black people growing up

I’m not on some I know so why don’t you. I’m on some they not as dumb as y’all think because obviously the plan worked for all these years. And I don’t think it’s some secret society.
And you’re projecting other shit I called nobody a coon. I don’t get mad at black people not knowing. I’m mad at white folks acting SURPRISED in 2019 about this.
I’m not talking bad about us
im really trying my hardest to not call you dense, but you can't be serious fam

you telling me, there is NO such thing as an extremist pov?

There's the hard honest truth and there's false.

You can tell when a person post or explanation is extreme post or if it contains 100 % truth.

I have not seen a so call extreme post in this thread, but yet you bring it up.
I think a lot of so call black people don't know what white supermacy is. I think a lot of black people believe that since they haven't experienced it and that they have white counterparts, that everything aint all so bad and we shouldn't so call worry ourselves with white folks.
How did this thread about the ignorance of white people to their own atrocities somehow devolve YET AGAIN into black people arguing amongst each other?

Make it make sense.

why can’t black people have a debate without somebody thinking it’s a mean argument?