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Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen

lol the whole premise of this thread was to discuss how many ignorant white folks straight up didnt know about alot of the fucked up shit their ancestors did, Tulsa being ONE example of many.. and how they reacted to having that mirror put into their face..

Yet here we are, clowning each other for not knowing ALL of that history as well... saying who's blacker and more woke than who...arguing about folks making excuses for white folks(when nobody is doing that).

shit is wild

Who did that nobody getting called a coon or dumb? Like what are y’all going asking about?
In other words what y’all saying is the majority of white folks are too stupid to know they benefit from white supremacy across the world? It’s like saying not all white folks are racist or something

Are you kidding me? Most of them don't even accept that white privilege exists. A lot really think that because they aren't rich, then they aren't privileged.

There is no question that there are whites out there orchestrating systemic racism. They are smart. That is not representative of the average white person. It's not a matter of saying not all whites are racist. When some CAC chick calls the cops on a black kid for some bullshit, that's racism. She's a racist. That doesn't mean she knows all the ins and outs of how this country has treated blacks. It also doesn't mean she understands what the white supremacist institution has done to the black community. It's more indicative of them being programmed to hate others by the system. They are easily programmed because they aren't nearly as smart as you're saying.

So I live in Cali, THE most liberal state and the state that people think has the least about of racism, sexism, gender inequality, etc. But I was raised in the Deep South, so I kinda have an interested relationship to race and racial issues.

Even with the liberal white people here, you still have to figure out who is actually down for the liberation of black people and know that this country is set up in a bullshit way...vs. the white people who are pandering to you, seen too many episodes of the wire so they think they're ahead of the curve an still legit don't understand that their mentality is part of the problem. It's gotten easier to tell over the Years, since I been out here 16 Years now.

I think certain people who have no frame of reference for the knowledge, moral compass, racial situational awareness, etc, of the average American White person really has no idea about their mentality. Sure, there are the power players and racists who know exactly what they are doing, hate black people, actively try to destroy our culture and way of life, etc. But then there are the people who legit are void enough to wonder why race is such a big deal, have NO IDEA about BWS, Rosewood, the Philly cops bombing black houses back in the day, the Tuskeegee experiments, etc. Not to say that they don't acknowledge the universal shit like slavery, etc. But they're pretty much a black canvas beyond that, in terms of history.

And I've learned that one of the only ways to realize that is to have white people you can kinda inquire with about certain things.

Example: I know a white dude I used work with. I def wouldn't call him a friend. But we chat about current events often, etc. We talk about pretty much every police shooting, trial, etc. He was an American History minor in college and is pretty liberal, or whatever that is worth. I almost cussed out his mom on FB over some racial shit, but he damb near did if for me, based on her comments. REALLY knowledgeable dude. I asked him about 20 minutes ago via text of he had heard of Black Wall Street and he said that he had no idea and had just looked it up.

Often times, I think we as black people don't really understand how oblivious to white people are to some of their treatment of anyone who ain't Anglo-Saxon. Sure, there are those who just play the ignorant role. Sure there are those actively doing everything they can to undermine us. But I think most people would be surprised how many white people are gotdamn clueless about their own history, how evil they have been to the rest of the world, how it continues today, and how gotdamn malicious it is.


And excuse any typos, you bitch ass niggas.
but let’s look at the white agenda across the states in that time frame. They created fake science to say black men rape kill white women and our women are hoes. They knew enough to act on any instance that fit those stereotypes. If the agenda is to ignore facts and use genocide tactics they will. You think they really thought they were in the right everytime they lynched somebody?

Im saying they didn't care about right or wrong. Those in power knew enough and still kmow eough to know what scare tactics would work to keep black folks seen as the "other" and if those tactics resulted in black folks dying so be it from their POV.
I’m not on some I know so why don’t you. I’m on some they not as dumb as y’all think because obviously the plan worked for all these years. And I don’t think it’s some secret society.
And you’re projecting other shit I called nobody a coon. I don’t get mad at black people not knowing. I’m mad at white folks acting SURPRISED in 2019 about this.
I’m not talking bad about us
you right, i should've addressed the coon part to Reem as he said it but he's cosigning all of your posts so....
Not disputing that part but it’s like we acting like only the rich powerful white people know about systematic racism. I mean in every state for every year it’s something. Are we supposed to believe it’s only a very active 5% of white people who just control the world and everybody else is dumb?

are we arguing extremes

I think most people in general are ignorant in terms of the overall world around them so it's not a far stretch in my mind to also say white folks as a whole are dumb enough to be manipulated by a few in power. It's pretty much always been like that. Yes the average white person knows about racism but do i expect them to have intimate knowledge of racial events that most people don't know or aren't taught? Nah. My expectations for them ain't that high
What you and others are doing now in this thread. When there’s a thread about a black person doing something bad or accused of something. Use this very energy in that thread too. What’s not to understand?

for example when niggas like @DOS_patos treat black people like a monolith over perceived or not perceived negative shit. I need you to go into that thread and quote him and act the same way you're doing now. Make sense? Because I’ve never seen you do that.

Cut it out.
I speak on specifics....

If I day why black people do or don't do something.....that's for those I'm speaking on...not everyone.

Fuck u up.

You want smoke.....again?

Cut it out.
I speak on specifics....

If I day why black people do or don't do something.....that's for those I'm speaking on...not everyone.

Fuck u up.

You want smoke.....again?
Dos, you my guy, but you do be on that bullshit sometimes lol
Are you kidding me? Most of them don't even accept that white privilege exists. A lot really think that because they aren't rich, then they aren't privileged.

There is no question that there are whites out there orchestrating systemic racism. They are smart. That is not representative of the average white person. It's not a matter of saying not all whites are racist. When some CAC chick calls the cops on a black kid for some bullshit, that's racism. She's a racist. That doesn't mean she knows all the ins and outs of how this country has treated blacks. It also doesn't mean she understands what the white supremacist institution has done to the black community. It's more indicative of them being programmed to hate others by the system. They are easily programmed because they aren't nearly as smart as you're saying.

Most whites don't accept white privilege when it's a fact that the poorest white man/person still knows he or she will be treated better than any black person, not only do they know it, they expect it.

Whites and systemic racism is trickled down to the majority of whites and non black ppl. The average white person and non-black practice this act every day, so to say that the average white person, and what is an average white person? does not practice or control this format is false.

This is why black folks shouldn't be following this narrative, because it's completely bullshit. What does knowing all the ins and outs mean? That has nothing to do with nothing and you put it in there to make it seem something. I won't even address that because it means nothing.

A system can't program a person to hate somebody, why are you spewing this mess out like this. This system programs them to hate us, but it doesn't program us to hate them or other non-black people who also uses this so call same system, Everybody that uses this system, are programmed to hate us, but this system that we as blacks are in, we don't hate those who hate us??

Every, most white people are easily programmed by this system. Man these asinine ass excuses.
You can only pretend so long to be black and down for your people. You keep going and reading you'll start to see who is white, or non-black, safe, or the only black friend on the work force in these type of threads.
Dos, you my guy, but you do be on that bullshit sometimes lol
So you saying I'm not specific?

I honestly think its the wording y'all get caught on.

I stopped or am trying to stop saying niggas/nigga when I say things because that seems to encompass more than intended.

But we need to be called out at times and celebrated at other times.

Yall can't put more negative on me than not.

You know it you cant
If you caping ass niggas in here with all these white folks don't know this and know that, tell me why is it still after 500 years, it's so got dayum hard being a black man or women in this world.

Since most of these white folks are clueless and not so racists and they don't really care about our existence/ being, why is it so Got dayum hard for black people as a whole to be successful or to have a great life. All up in the Dallas cop thread, you had black folks (i think they are black) caping for these fucking people.

Why are we the ones at the bottom of the totem pole in everything that matters. Since all white ppl are liberal and want change for black folks.


As Malcolm says, Liberals will smile in your drive the knife in your back, The fox

A conservative will just hard up drive the knife in your chest no, ifs ands or buts, the wolf.

Both still end up killing you.

I see why other posters with the same view rarely post in threads like this. Niggas are so lost
If you caping ass niggas in here with all these white folks don't know this and know that, tell me why is it still after 500 years, it's so got dayum hard being a black man or women in this world.

Since most of these white folks are clueless and not so racists and they don't really care about our existence/ being, why is it so Got dayum hard for black people as a whole to be successful or to have a great life. All up in the Dallas cop thread, you had black folks (i think they are black) caping for these fucking people.

Why are we the ones at the bottom of the totem pole in everything that matters. Since all white ppl are liberal and want change for black folks.


As Malcolm says, Liberals will smile in your drive the knife in your back, The fox

A conservative will just hard up drive the knife in your chest no, ifs ands or buts, the wolf.

Both still end up killing you.

I see why other posters with the same view rarely post in threads like this. Niggas are so lost

I think I've lost count of how many points you are arguing that NOBODY in this thread made bruh
I think alot of people knew about these things but it didn't matter for them to pass them on.

White benefited. So why speak about who or how you got your gains as longs as you look like the hero..

It's easy to pretend to not know that obsolves you of the time you did nothing to fix the wrong or admit it.