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This picture got folks mad and @banginscrew901 doesn’t understand why.


remember when you asked could someone like Michael Scott from the office really exist.....

every single time you see some dumb shit like this in the media....there was a michael scott who signed off to it thinking they were doing something good not realizing their racist image of diversity is very racist as fuck....

only we laugh at michael scott......

well i laugh at all this shit, but i'm low key dead on the inside....rofl
Both of the preceding posts are related to targeting certain audiences, not purposefully casting a negative light on an entire race of men. Saying they can doesn't mean they are.

Re-read my last sentence:

"Bruh, I used to work for BBDO Detroit back when they were handling all of Daimler Chrysler's advertising and marketing. One of the VP's I was fixing some shit for had been tasked with figuring out the most effective way to advertise to homosexuals, male and female, because they had more disposable income than any other group. Dude was telling me all kinds of shit, about how they can tailor ads to gays without straight folks picking up on the cues that gays would, about how print ads were run with very specific intent to show a product in a favorable light not just to gays but to any subgroup they wanted to target and they can also display any subgroup negatively in order to highlight the target group and make them feel good about making that purchase."
Disappointing that black folks still believe in white superiority so much that they believe whites are trying to oppressed us even in Macy's ads.

Why are we even caring what the fuck Macy's thinks or does? This shit is stupid and a waste of time and energy. Niggas really out here scanning and analyzing ads for systemic oppression? If there is still a grand conspiracy, it's to distract us with this level of bullshit.

As a Black Man in America, you cannot afford to be this oblivious to the shit. Oppression doesn't have to be overt in order to exist. In this day and age it has to be subtle, nuanced, in order to continue. Sure there's still those in-your-face racists, but the rest have taken their racism and made it mainstream by slipping it into the media, which holds the most power when it comes to influencing the masses.
Guess we just disagree. I don't think shit like this pushes cops to kill unarmed blacks or pushes neo-nazi's to march at hate rallies. If a white person has a perception of me based on black portrayals in ads, that's on them. I couldn't give a fuck less for their opinion.

Now the Trump ad featuring The Mexican murderer is a true example of what people are trying to make this out to be. This just ain't it.

But we're free to focus our energy on whatever we like.

You've never heard of the butterfly effect, have you?
Idgaf about Asians. I give a fuck about how my race is being represented. So just because Asians may not be outraged about it, we shouldn’t be? So because the Asians are okay, we should be?

Quit acting like they don’t portray black people negatively. This shit ain’t new.
O my sista testify
Both of the preceding posts are related to targeting certain audiences, not purposefully casting a negative light on an entire race of men. Saying they can doesn't mean they are.

None of us know what they did or didn't do on purpose for certain. But remember that your statement goes both ways. Saying they wouldn't doesn't mean they didn't and there is more evidence here to suggest they did. They chose to show one broken black family, yet show a whole white family twice, and one whole gay family. Also there has been an ongoing trend in the lack of representation of whole black families and straight black males in media. Clearly they are targeting certain audience and chose to show no light at all on an entire race of men compared to those other photos. So it's reasonable for us to think they chose to exclude it for a reason and ask questions.

If anything they could of shown complete families featuring gay, white, black, and Latin (or whatever else) people for that last photo. That would of been the safe and diverse option that would of easily avoided all this. Unless there's some statistic they have that shows all the black women that shop there are single parents and all the white families that shop there have both parents, suspicions are warranted.
Not going to respond to each post individually cause I've already given too much energy to something I've said shouldn't get it.

Bottom line, outrage is a choice. I choose to not be over this.
As a Black Man in America, you cannot afford to be this oblivious to the shit. Oppression doesn't have to be overt in order to exist. In this day and age it has to be subtle, nuanced, in order to continue. Sure there's still those in-your-face racists, but the rest have taken their racism and made it mainstream by slipping it into the media, which holds the most power when it comes to influencing the masses.

I don't know why so many folks forget
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So this ad is just another cog in the 500 year machine of oppression?

I'd counter that whites want us to stay outraged about this small shit. Then we always see others as naturally against us and that hampers our progress. It's a constant barrage of negativity which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and leads us to act the way we think we're being depicted.

If we always see ourselves as oppressed we'll always be oppressed. Fight the real fights and leave this bullshit alone.

That's a fair counter point. I totally agree that keeping minorities focused on small stuff allows them to do the big stuff. But where do you draw the distinction between the two? What is a big issue and what is a small issue?

And if you see a difference in importance between issues, would you not say that the small things can become big things when they are all examined together?
That's a fair counter point. I totally agree that keeping minorities focused on small stuff allows them to do the big stuff. But where do you draw the distinction between the two? What is a big issue and what is a small issue?

And if you see a difference in importance between issues, would you not say that the small things can become big things when they are all examined together?
Personal judgment based on historical precedence and evidence, along with how blatant the racism is.

Never known Macy's to be a racist or hateful organization and this isn't blatantly racist.

Different people have different judgment so I'm not mad at the outrage. It just isn't warranted in my opinion.

And yes small things can become big, but I don't think this was on that trajectory.
Personal judgment based on historical precedence and evidence, along with how blatant the racism is.

Never known Macy's to be a racist or hateful organization and this isn't blatantly racist.

Different people have different judgment so I'm not mad at the outrage. It just isn't warranted in my opinion.

And yes small things can become big, but I don't think this was on that trajectory.

Macy's has a history of being racist to Black folks

1. https://www.diversityinc.com/news/macys-pay-650000-racial-profiling-settlement

2. Macy's Brand Loyalty Falls Sharply After Trump's Gaffes

3. https://newsone.com/3837217/macys-apology-holiday-ad-traditional-families-black-fathers/

4. Customers sue Macy's in $500m racism case