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This picture got folks mad and @banginscrew901 doesn’t understand why.

Black families get representation as fatherless or as an interracial homosexual couple.

Things like this do shape perception on the sly. It's subtle but effective and there are thousands of scholarly papers, essays, and articles written on the subject.
I don't have time to dissect shit like that. I'm too busy being the black father of a black family. That's all I care about.

How about this energy be put to some real attacks against blacks and stop putting energy to this pettiness.
You're thinking small. One ad does nothing. Generations of Americans living in a Post-Modern Matrix being beaten over the head with the same messages and depictions of minorities leads to racialized beliefs about minorities, conscious and subconscious, which affect the treatment of minorities. This can be detrimental to the employment, educational, and legal opportunities afforded to minorities.

When you have a 500 year history of being a piece of colonial garbage, you don't get the benefit of the doubt or the plausible deniability to say "it's just a coincidence".
So this ad is just another cog in the 500 year machine of oppression?

I'd counter that whites want us to stay outraged about this small shit. Then we always see others as naturally against us and that hampers our progress. It's a constant barrage of negativity which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and leads us to act the way we think we're being depicted.

If we always see ourselves as oppressed we'll always be oppressed. Fight the real fights and leave this bullshit alone.
As a person in the business, I can tell you that these people will pay big money to communicate their brand in a specific way. I highly doubt those pictures were chosen at random. There are definitely specific intentions for choosing such photos with the impressions they give. The suspicions people have with this advertising are warranted.
As a person in the business, I can tell you that these people will pay big money to communicate their brand in a specific way. I highly doubt those pictures were chosen at random. There are definitely specific intentions for choosing such photos with the impressions they give. The suspicions people have with this advertising are warranted.

Bruh, I used to work for BBDO Detroit back when they were handling all of Daimler Chrysler's advertising and marketing. One of the VP's I was fixing some shit for had been tasked with figuring out the most effective way to advertise to homosexuals, male and female, because they had more disposable income than any other group. Dude was telling me all kinds of shit, about how they can tailor ads to gays without straight folks picking up on the cues that gays would, about how print ads were run with very specific intent to show a product in a favorable light not just to gays but to any subgroup they wanted to target and they can also display any subgroup negatively in order to highlight the target group and make them feel good about making that purchase.
Both of the preceding posts are related to targeting certain audiences, not purposefully casting a negative light on an entire race of men. Saying they can doesn't mean they are.
But but but there are black families in the catalog too. Like that disproves the message they’re sending...
Disappointed but not surprised that there are black people after all these years and history who are still willing and adamant about giving white people the benefit of the doubt.
Disappointed but not surprised that there are black people after all these years and history who are still willing and adamant about giving white people the benefit of the doubt.
Disappointing that black folks still believe in white superiority so much that they believe whites are trying to oppressed us even in Macy's ads.

Why are we even caring what the fuck Macy's thinks or does? This shit is stupid and a waste of time and energy. Niggas really out here scanning and analyzing ads for systemic oppression? If there is still a grand conspiracy, it's to distract us with this level of bullshit.
Disappointing that black folks still believe in white superiority so much that they believe whites are trying to oppressed us even in Macy's ads.

Why are we even caring what the fuck Macy's thinks or does? This shit is stupid and a waste of time and energy. Niggas really out here scanning and analyzing ads for systemic oppression? If there is still a grand conspiracy, it's to distract us with this level of bullshit.

Everything is an opportunity to keep your foot on the neck of those being oppressed.

You tripping if you feel images doesn't play a role in how black people are viewed and treated. The shit effects how black people view and treat other black people.

You can reduce it down to just being a Macy's add. When the fact of the matter is it really doesn't matter where the images are shown. Its the fact that they are even shown is where the problem lies.

If you have standards you check everything. We ain't position to let shit slide or give a something a pass. Now the amount of time and/or resources put into small things shouldn't be much. But fuck letting that shit slide and giving them a pass cause its just a Macy's ad.
Everything is an opportunity to keep your foot on the neck of those being oppressed.

You tripping if you feel images doesn't play a role in how black people are viewed and treated. The shit effects how black people view and treat other black people.

You can reduce it down to just being a Macy's add. When the fact of the matter is it really doesn't matter where the images are shown. Its the fact that they are even shown is where the problem lies.

If you have standards you check everything. We ain't position to let shit slide or give a something a pass. Now the amount of time and/or resources put into small things shouldn't be much. But fuck letting that shit slide and giving them a pass cause its just a Macy's ad.
Guess we just disagree. I don't think shit like this pushes cops to kill unarmed blacks or pushes neo-nazi's to march at hate rallies. If a white person has a perception of me based on black portrayals in ads, that's on them. I couldn't give a fuck less for their opinion.

Now the Trump ad featuring The Mexican murderer is a true example of what people are trying to make this out to be. This just ain't it.

But we're free to focus our energy on whatever we like.
Guess we just disagree. I don't think shit like this pushes cops to kill unarmed blacks or pushes neo-nazi's to march at hate rallies. If a white person has a perception of me based on black portrayals in ads, that's on them. I couldn't give a fuck less for their opinion.

Now the Trump ad featuring The Mexican murderer is a true example of what people are trying to make this out to be. This just ain't it.

But we're free to focus our energy on whatever we like.

Is this real, lol? If he's cool with it because it's his favorite flavor and he asked that he specifically be on the watermelon Air Head, then fair game.

Super real...that cartooned watermelon right near his hooped ringed nose and smiling mouth just looks crazy to me...sometimes tha “ignorant or naive” need to be protected from themselves also tha masses don’t need to be fed such naivety on purpose or other wise...

Now back to my herb lol
Is this real, lol? If he's cool with it because it's his favorite flavor and he asked that he specifically be on the watermelon Air Head, then it is what it is.

The wrapper is black and gold and features Kamara’s face and signature. Watermelon is his favorite flavor of his favorite candy, but this one is a “kicked up watermelon,” according to Perfetti Van Melle communications manager Stephanie Creech. The new flavor is available exclusively to Kamara, and the company plans to send them to him next Monday.

this is why we need more brothers like myself getting modeling gigs......

if it was a fat black nigga laying on the couch with a comic book wearing a cartoon onesie while his kids were jumping around eating cheerios n shit......

the balance would have been restored and all would have been well......
heres my take on it. the "single mom's" husband had to work so he couldn't make the photo shoot and the "gay black man" is actually polenisian from the island of tonga.