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Things that are common at the workplace...

Crazy ass white dude at my job was eatin’ people’s food wit’ no fucks given…

When a muthafucka asked him why he said “When I started management said we were a family in here…I don’t ask my family if I can eat their food either…” lol

He got fired…
nah FUCK THAT. I dont play bout my food.. somebody eat whats mine that office getting turned upside down

So why did you wack the post then??

I thought you did that b/c you was the muthafucca who ate their coworkers food. Lol
So why did you wack the post then??

I thought you did that b/c you was the muthafucca who ate their coworkers food. Lol

I mustve misread your post. I thought you were saying YOU were the muthafucka that did that and Toshia was whos food you took.

Wack rescinded
We definitely had tha serial “this food bad/fridge cleaner outer” here too…

Niggaz would legit go to him like “Yo…I JUST brought this food in!! Don’t throw my shit away!!” Lol
We definitely had tha serial “this food bad/fridge cleaner outer” here too…

Niggaz would legit go to him like “Yo…I JUST brought this food in!! Don’t throw my shit away!!” Lol

had one of those too. Oddly, dude didn't touch some shit I had forgot about for nearly a month. I had bought an extra carne asda burrito with our dinner one night 'cause I loved the way the spot I got it from made 'em, cut it in half and stuck it in a tupperware container with the full intention of having it for lunch the next day. Next day I threw it in the fridge at work, got buried in the project I was working on and completely forgot about it. One day I went to the fridge to grab a can of Rockstar I threw in to get cold and I saw the container sitting there with the burrito halves in it and they looked pristine. Opened that shit up and it even smelled like it was completely edible. Took that shit to the cafeteria and tossed it out.
yall ever have one of these?

the perfect manager/supervisor....does everything right. makes work fun. properly handles conflicts. always gets shit done on schedule. super motivating to the staff. everybody likes them, and loves working with them...and you think this person is absolutely perfect.....


their home life is complete shit. They always gotta spouse or a s/o that walks all over them and everybody at work hates that person