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Things that are common at the workplace...

I get heated just thinking about what happened a few months ago at my old job.

So my old job fed us well, very well. Basically every week, clients would try to get our business and would feed us decent food. It would mostly be lunch but sometimes it would be breakfast. One day they send us eggs, sausage, bacon, etc. but when I saw the 2 pack of Hawaiian roll in the break room? the fat ass in me got way too excited. I’m thinking sausage biscuits!! So I clock in and go wash my hands and head back to the break room. I don’t see them on the table. Maybe they were misplaced. I asked around and no one has seen them. I’m hungry. It’s 9am. Where are those damn rolls??

I march to the HR lady office. Thank god she just started working there. I demanded she send out a APB email about the rolls. She thought I was kidding. I was not m. She sent the email out. I asked around. Did some investigating. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in finding that bastard that stole those rolls. Thank god I don’t work there anymore
Crazy ass white dude at my job was eatin’ people’s food wit’ no fucks given…

When a muthafucka asked him why he said “When I started management said we were a family in here…I don’t ask my family if I can eat their food either…” lol

He got fired…

This the ending I like to see
That one muhfuckas that ALWAYS uses speakerphone.

I worked at AmEx in Phoenix years back. There was one cat in our area that, no matter the call, put it on speakerphone and proceeded to irritate and annoy the fuck out of all of us. Since we were all IBM employees we had our own instant messaging system only for us and every time that dude's phone rang we all started IM'ing each other talking evil, violent shit shit about dude until one day this white chick that sat in the AS/400 team's row next to mine walked over there and flat out demanded that he stop that shit. She let it be known that everybody pretty much hated his ass for using speakerphone all the time, it's rude as fuck, and nobody in the office needed to know that his kid needed a jockstrap and cup to start soccer the next day 'cause that was the call he had just ended.

IM was lit up for the rest of the day over that shit. He stopped using speakerphone after that.
That one muhfuckas that ALWAYS uses speakerphone.

I worked at AmEx in Phoenix years back. There was one cat in our area that, no matter the call, put it on speakerphone and proceeded to irritate and annoy the fuck out of all of us. Since we were all IBM employees we had our own instant messaging system only for us and every time that dude's phone rang we all started IM'ing each other talking evil, violent shit shit about dude until one day this white chick that sat in the AS/400 team's row next to mine walked over there and flat out demanded that he stop that shit. She let it be known that everybody pretty much hated his ass for using speakerphone all the time, it's rude as fuck, and nobody in the office needed to know that his kid needed a jockstrap and cup to start soccer the next day 'cause that was the call he had just ended.

IM was lit up for the rest of the day over that shit. He stopped using speakerphone after that.

...so it took a wyte lady to save yall from his speaker phone tyranny?

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