This was a good episode, sucks that it took them this long to have one.
Been watching the show from the beginning and wondering since Thawne was messing up 15 years of time why didn't those time remnants come for him in season 1.
It's comics, the writers always leave plot holes.

It's tough to cover all your bases.

But either way, in interested in this season. I like how Barry is really getting faster and stronger. I wanna see some more crazy powers and feats.

Flash is one of the most op'd characters ever. I'd love to see some of that shit on TV
The season starts back up January 16th.......I thought it was coming back next week
Hopefully they build on the awesomeness of the last episode because the ones before that were not good.
i dont think i saw the midseason finale lol

i aint want you to tell me LMAO

but cool

i think i didnt watch it b/c i didnt see the crossover episode
