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That nigga BL woulda died if he went after Tobias. Nigga wasn't even all the way charged up. His daughter almost beat his ass.
That nigga BL woulda died if went after Tobias. Nigga wasn't even all the way charged up. His daughter almost beat his ass.
She a g tho. No hesitation fighting bl even though she look up to him
That nigga BL woulda died if went after Tobias. Nigga wasn't even all the way charged up. His daughter almost beat his ass.
Who was taking a nap the rest of the episode? She gotta get some hits in fans would've been pissed lol"riight"
That was a damn good episode. So glad that they showed BL's father getting jammed up by Tobias.
My favorite so far....

I just wish the comic world hyped this as much as....

U know what I'll stop
Very true! I be wondering if white people be like "This show is too Black."
I thought he shoulda held that speech for the car and not in the police station.
Lol look, when your kids acting an ass.. Your can't wait...

And they better not.... Not after Niggaz went full African ape shit all the past few weeks....

Let me have this show dammit!! If y'all can be from Wakanda I can have this show!!
show hella corny.
while walking past my roommate I stopped to watch it and was like boooooooo turn this off
show hella corny.
while walking past my roommate I stopped to watch it and was like boooooooo turn this off
Ok let's go woman lol
Great episode, my only gripe about this episode was how they know that was her daughter with that skimpy cheap ass gold paint around the eyes but Black Lightning has on goggles with his whole head exposed and that black ass beard and no one knows who he is come on now......
Tobias is going to be the negginimg of meta human criminals on this show. I hope they keep this momentum and do less street crime. This is black lightning not the wire.