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OPINION The Wire - A Hindsight Discussion

It's the acting too. It's basically that perfect combination of good writing and actors who know exactly what to do with it. The Wire was one of those shows where sometimes you forget the actors aren't the actual people. Michael K Williams has played like 5 well known roles since Omar, and people still call him Omar. lol

All facts.
Love this scene. You start to see maturity from Carver. But he still wasn't natural police like McNulty at this point.

McNulty conversation with Bodie seemed too natural and Carver seemed somewhat contrived
It's a stark contrast to this scene

Carver knew everybody's name on that corner. Herc was getting played like a gump
It's the acting too. It's basically that perfect combination of good writing and actors who know exactly what to do with it. The Wire was one of those shows where sometimes you forget the actors aren't the actual people. Michael K Williams has played like 5 well known roles since Omar, and people still call him Omar. lol

Lol. Funny I was in Chicago years ago and ran into Andre Royo at the Nike store on Michigan Ave and wa like Yo Bubs. Lol
Fair statement cause I like Bunny and Lester

kima is the only cop I remember who played it straight all the way thru. Even when they beat the shit out of bodi, you can at least say, he did pop a cop

I respect her Not compromising to get her target was wha I meant
She was full of shit too, she helped beat down Fredro Starr because he was talking shit, she was just as bad as the other's
Hate how obsessed McNulty was w Avon s crew
I hated McNulty. This mofo did what he wanted. If there was ever a character on this show I wished something terrible to happen to it was him. He getting swung on in real life.
Then the last season when he started that lie as a big fuck you too everybody above him. Smmfh.
Herc was worse than McNulty, it wasn't a bigger fuck up than Herc but kept moving up the ladder until they had no choice but to fire him
I hated McNulty. This mofo did what he wanted. If there was ever a character on this show I wished something terrible to happen to it was him. He getting swung on in real life.
Then the last season when he started that lie as a big fuck you too everybody above him. Smmfh.

Mcnulty was great police. Amazing detective but a shitty person outside of work.

Dude had no hobbies. Terrible husband. Just wanted to prove he was the smartest fuck in the police department.

As a manager I would love that McNulty gives me clearances but hate he plays too many outside games.

Lester told Mcnulty the real in this scene

Mcnulty was great police. Amazing detective but a shitty person outside of work.

Dude had no hobbies. Terrible husband. Just wanted to prove he was the smartest fuck in the police department.

As a manager I would love that McNulty gives me clearances but hate he plays too many outside games.

Lester told Mcnulty the real in this scene

Great police???
This the same dude that had Omar in the car with his kids? Or had them playing that game to follow Stringer? Lol.
Bodie was an earner they could have figured it out...but That police shit was the body bag

lol Figured it out? When in the show did we see Marlo figure shit like that out? Pretty much the last we see of him is him being butthurt because his name didn't ring the same anymore. There is 0% Bodie would have survived to the end with him talking shit the way he was.