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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

No you're not.

If you were more concerned with what was passed you wouldn't have spewed those lies about The Cares Act that you did earlier.

You only Care that democrats created it and did their part and passed it so to keep up your silly schtick you have to continue to be anti Democrat.

what lies did i spew?
lol Bruh, you're seriously trying argue that being charged with promoting insurrection is the same as being explicity being called out on white supremacy because if you poll the insurrectionists you'll find that a lot of them are white supremacists. Does that really make sense to you? If it does, there's not really left to discuss.

My nigga..............

The FBI director Chris Wray already came out months ago and gave a very direct statement saying that white extremist are the biggest threat to our national security. What do you think is gonna happen to any of the people charged who are linked to those groups??

Think man.

If I'm a Crip and The FBI is already on the Crips ass you don't think when I steal a car and get caught that they're going to also get me for being a Crip and a leader of organized crime and terrorism?

That's what's happening here. The FBI has already labeled these white extremist groups. Just because the news media isn't coming out and saying this is the end of white supremacy doesn't mean that the people getting got aren't getting got for being white supremacist.
Shit is wild.

Like on a whole different note.

Imagine being a business owner in DC with how fucked up DC been. You been expecting to make some money with all the people trying to get to DC for the inauguration.

And now you see all these reports with the mayor of DC and shit saying dont come to DC, its dangerous.

Smh. Tough for business owners.
Another thing that @Race Jones is conveniently ignoring is that what was happening in May when The Democratic led House passed the second round of the Cares Act?

Trump and The Republicans started pushing this whole narrative that we needed to reopen the country.

Then the George Floyd news broke.

The timeline goes like this,

May 15th The Democratic led House passed the next round of The Cares Act exactly 1 month after the first round of checks went out on April 15th.

That whole week Trump and Republicans said that we need to open up our country and we don't need more government handouts.

May 25th George Floyd is killed and the video is released.

Now @Race Jones wants you to believe that all of this is both sides fault.
You said is was a one time check.

You said that it was both sides fault for not getting passed when The Democrats literally did their part to get it passed.

$1200 was a one time check. did you recieve another one? ?????

what is doing their part? the cares act was one of the largest upward transfer of wealth in this countrys history.

billionaires and families like the trumps profited handsomely from the cares act. pelosi and her husband as well.

meanwhile we were given *checks notes* a one time $1200 check and a 4 month $600 weekly stipen that ended months ago

they did their part alright. no extensive moratorium on rent or evictions, no universal healthcare or ppe for workers etc

just trillions of dollars funneled into their war treasure chest
its also very entertaining when @/ALLBUILDINGSMATTER! beats you to bloody pulp in debate ?????? i really crack tf up
You and him are the only two that believe that lie. I don’t want no smoke though cause I’m done trying to convince either of you. Have fun in your delusions of intellectual grandeur.
they did their part alright. no extensive moratorium on rent or evictions, no universal healthcare or ppe for workers

just trillions of dollars funneled into their war treasure chest.

All of this was included in the bill that was passed May 15th.

So like I said they took care of the things you mentioned May 15th 2020 and the bill is still to this day on Mitch McConnell desk.

So you are blaming Democrats for actually doing what you said they didn't do yet you have not uttered a single word for Mitch McConnell.

Not one.

Unfortunately, it's a problem that I don't see a solution for. This whole election cycle is proof that people on both sides are willing to cling to lies over progress.

Also, Dem voters don't impress me any more than dumbass Trump fans.

Let's all keep in mind that democratic voters picked a guy they believed might be senile over the guy that wanted less war, higher taxes on rich, free college, free health care, and an environmental improvement strategy that involved creating jobs for more Americans.

lets us never forget this! truth
All of this was included in the bill that was passed May 15th.

So like I said they took care of the things you mentioned May 15th 2020 and the bill is still to this day on Mitch McConnell desk.

So you are blaming Democrats for actually doing what you said they didn't do yet you have not uttered a single word for Mitch McConnell.

Not one.

it wasnt. especially not universal healthcare