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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters


What the fuck are you talking about?

The same white supremacist who we claim to be against are being held accountable but since it's not because of attacks on us we should dismiss it?

Now we are critiquing the shit instead of actually allowing it to happen?

Bruh, I don't give a fuck about Impeachment one way or the other. If they do it, fine If they don't do it fine. But stop throwing the white supremacist shit in there when that has nothing to do with what's going on right now. That's like a murderer going to court for a traffic ticket. That's not justice. If they aren't impeaching him for the racist shit he's done, there's no purpose in belaboring the "white supremacist" point. This won't send a message to white supremacists because he's not being punished for that.

And any Biden fan talking about they want to see Trump fall should shut up. If you really wanted that then you'd be pushing for the DoJ to charge him as soon as he's out of office, but ya'll not talking about that because Biden already made it clear he's not going to do that.
If only there was a thread for this topic

This happens every time we expose her overly aggressive anti Democrat views. She resorts to changing the subject and baseless claims and attacks.

In this thread about racist white terrorist, once she came to the conclusion that she would not accept the fact that she looks silly opposing any accountability for Trump and any other racist white terrorist involved with what happened last Wednesday she began her usual Democrats are the worst people on the planet trope and we're all just Democrat worshipping fools.

She is just like a fascist. They can never admit defeat because that gives away the game. Even when it's a lie they have to keep it up.

and thats the problem lmao

social media companies have effectively created an oligarchy on online political speech. folks are vying for censorship because it has snuffed out someone they dont like failing to realize the pendulum swings both ways.

Personally, I don’t care about ANYBODY getting banned from Twitter, YouTube , etc.

That kinda stuff really don’t matter to me.
Plus a President has an entire communications department whose sole responsibility is to get the president s message out there.....
@Race Jones

You think any inkling of acknowledgement for Democrats is worshipping.

It's gotten so bad with you that you are trying to both sides an argument when one side literally did their part and the other side literally walked away from the table.

But according to you it's both sides fault.

IT IS both sides fault ??? are you so blind to this?

whatever nigga.

///the cares act was a wishlist for both sides - that's how it got unanimous consent. there were parts that were ok, parts that were garbage, and parts that were pure, corrupt giveaways to allies on both sides of the political spectrum.

plus pelosi gambled away her leverage by playing into the GOPs demands and the cares act should have shown you that dems and repubs are 2 wings of the same, fucking ugly, neo con bird
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Bruh, I don't give a fuck about Impeachment one way or the other. If they do it, fine If they don't do it fine. But stop throwing the white supremacist shit in there when that has nothing to do with what's going on right now. That's like a murderer going to court for a traffic ticket. That's not justice. If they aren't impeaching him for the racist shit he's done, there's no purpose in belaboring the "white supremacist" point. This won't send a message to white supremacists because he's not being punished for that.

And any Biden fan talking about they want to see Trump fall should shut up. If you really wanted that then you'd be pushing for the DoJ to charge him as soon as he's out of office, but ya'll not talking about that because Biden already made it clear he's not going to do that.

So this whole time you never bothered to read what insurrection means?

Look up what insurrection means and then look at who the perpetrators are in this instance.

What is Trump's mob made up of? Is it white supremacist or is it just economically challenged white people?
Plus a President has an entire communications department whose sole responsibility is to get the president s message out there.....

Never mind that. The President has an official White House Twitter account too. he can Tweet from there but he chooses not to.

Not to mention if Trump wants to he can hold a press conference every fucking day multiple times a day to talk to the public but he chooses not to.
congress (both Liberals/conservatives) slowed the CARES Act due to their internal debate on what provisions to include in the bill.

bottom line is that both parties loaded pork into the CARES Act, then pointed fingers at each other for doing the same thing.

who suffered in the end? the american ppl

Didn’t the act pass the Democrat majority house months ago and was sent over to the senate?
This happens every time we expose her overly aggressive anti Democrat views. She resorts to changing the subject and baseless claims and attacks.

In this thread about racist white terrorist, once she came to the conclusion that she would not accept the fact that she looks silly opposing any accountability for Trump and any other racist white terrorist involved with what happened last Wednesday she began her usual Democrats are the worst people on the planet trope and we're all just Democrat worshipping fools.

She is just like a fascist. They can never admit defeat because that gives away the game. Even when it's a lie they have to keep it up.


nigga youre the one that wanted to debate about the cares act because you were being challenged on your ideas about trumps impeachment.

you tried to flip his impeachment into a win for Black ppl and got chewed up and spit right tf out respectfully

kick your own ass
IT IS both sides fault ??? are you so blind to this?

whatever nigga.

the cares act was a wishlist for both sides - that's how it got unanimous consent. there were parts that were ok, parts that were garbage, and parts that were pure, corrupt giveaways to allies on both sides of the political spectrum.

plus pelosi gambled away her leverage by playing into the GOPs demands and the cares act should have shown you that dems and repubs are 2 wings of the same, fucking ugly, neo con bird

You're exposing your true agenda. You don't give a fuck about holding Republicans accountable. You just endlessly blame Democrats no matter what.

You're a Black Republican but you're too scared to come out and say it and because the leader of The Republican party is Donald Trump.
You're exposing your true agenda. You don't give a fuck about holding Republicans accountable. You just endlessly blame Democrats no matter what.

You're a Black Republican but you're too scared to come out and say it and because the leader of The Republican party is Donald Trump.

your critical thinking skills are shit
whew* chile
Didn’t the act pass the Democrat majority house months ago and was sent over to the senate?

Yup. Passed in May. Even had some Senate republicans who said that they would vote for it but Mitch McConnell never put it on the floor for a vote yet @Race Jones is telling us this is both sides.
So this whole time you never bothered to read what insurrection means?

Look up what insurrection means and then look at who the perpetrators are in this instance.

What is Trump's mob made up of? Is it white supremacist or is it just economically challenged white people?

lol Bruh, you're seriously trying argue that being charged with promoting insurrection is the same as being explicity being called out on white supremacy because if you poll the insurrectionists you'll find that a lot of them are white supremacists. Does that really make sense to you? If it does, there's not really left to discuss.
im more concerned with WHAT was passed and less concerned with WHO passed it. makes sense?

No you're not.

If you were more concerned with what was passed you wouldn't have spewed those lies about The Cares Act that you did earlier.

You only Care that democrats created it and did their part and passed it so to keep up your silly schtick you have to continue to be anti Democrat.