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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

They just want to sit back and complain on a message board and be anti. They don’t have smoke for the true threats.

Just look at what’s happening on this board. Nothing but hate against Biden and he’s not even been sworn in yet. Somehow he’s the biggest threat to blacks while Trump was literally saying fuck BLM (the movement, not the organization) and not a peep from these folks. When white supremacists try to take over the Capitol they storm in here to shit on Biden. When Biden says exactly what we are saying about the difference in response at the Capitol they roll their eyes.

They don’t want real change. They don’t want to fight. If they did they’d go on Parler and talk shit to those white supremacists. Instead they jump in here and talk shit to their own as white supremacists try to keep their racist leader in office.

It's been a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbackin' and Tough Tony talk from the super woke wokely wokely, hotep, I'm black blacky blacky militants about what they would have done and what what we should do.... yeah, TALK
Just say you scared. Nothing else. You don’t want to put no squeeze on nothing. Over 30% of Latinos voted FOR Trump and the Dems are still talking about legalizing 11 million of their people who CANT vote. Still putting Latinos in top cabinet positions. Stop it. You scared. The majority are scared to walk away from the Democratic Party. Niggas don’t even have to vote republican or libertarian. If 30% of African Americans just registered as something other then Democrat the party would be shook. You scared . It’s ok. You only know what you was told.

Well... about half of the voting English speaking African American population voted Rep. twice and yet, people are still advocating about reparations for all African Americans.

Niggas should prevent some people to touch the stimulus check. Being a Christian fundamentalist, a rich or a "gRaSsRoOt" Coon is no excuse for Cooning twice the same bs.

Shit crazy and now Ethiopia going through it. But I don’t know how they were treated in Ethiopia to make Israel seem like a good option

Their king get killed, the kingdom has been reformed into a Communist proxy State to the Block East and the Gentile Oromo political class make them regret 2,000 years of despotism and political-religious abuse.

In the meantime, Zionist missionaries were brainwashing them in the rural zones since early 20th century. As soon as Mengistu jumped on their asses, the latter ones indicated the door in direction of Israel and they followed.
Saw that Twitter warned of further violence at the Capitol. I think Twitter saw some real shit brewing and decided to ban Trump and others to stamp it out.

I don’t necessarily agree with censorship of any kind, but I understand it if their platform is being used to incite violence or coordinate attacks. And for them to do it at this time seems to me like they saw something that spooked them.
Saw that Twitter warned of further violence at the Capitol. I think Twitter saw some real shit brewing and decided to ban Trump and others to stamp it out.

I don’t necessarily agree with censorship of any kind, but I understand it if their platform is being used to incite violence or coordinate attacks. And for them to do it at this time seems to me like they saw something that spooked them.
These Terrorists said they are coming back January 20th for The Inauguration, shit going to be crazy
I didn't even thing about this, but when I went to work a couple of my coworkers were like "You know spies from other countries were out there Wednesday. They pretty much got free access to everything in the capitol building."

It's crazy. Some of the domestic terrorists stole laptops with sensitive information. I think we can pretty much chalk up that at least some of that sensitive info got out to foreigners.