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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

You keep up bringing up that voting is contributing to the problem. Can you explain how not voting would help black people? For example, if all black people stopped voting tomorrow. What would improve for us?
Ideally it would cripple the dem party into submission aka reparations, tangibles, police punishment etc

Ima leave it there
Ideally it would cripple the dem party into submission aka reparations, tangibles, police punishment etc

Ima leave it there

Or it would lead to Dems investing more heavily in other bases like the Hispanics.

Or it would cause the Dems to drift further right in ideology in an effort to reclaim some of the whites they've lost to Republicans over the years.

Or they just stop winning since some of them are paid to lose anyway and the Republicans keep power for the foreseeable future.

I'm all for trying to put the squeeze on the Dems, but there are more ways the no voting ploy can go wrong than ways it can go right.

That mfer pulled up like "excuse me sir, can i please buy $20 worth of marijuana"

lmao aye

mf really talkin bout "tell me more about this ww3"


Nah, my name Bennett & I ain't in it... jus a spectator on the sideline
Or it would lead to Dems investing more heavily in other bases like the Hispanics.

Or it would cause the Dems to drift further right in ideology in an effort to reclaim some of the whites they've lost to Republicans over the years.

Or they just stop winning since some of them are paid to lose anyway and the Republicans keep power for the foreseeable future.

I'm all for trying to put the squeeze on the Dems, but there are more ways the no voting ploy can go wrong than ways it can go right.
If they're inclined to do any of that i think @Race Jones has the right idea
If they're inclined to do any of that i think @Race Jones has the right idea


If we willingly take ourselves out of the political process, we effectively give up all power we have. If it works like you suggested, that would be great. We might start to get what we want. However, if any of those things I named happened, black people could give up on ever getting our problems addressed. If the Dems ever feel like they can win without us, we're done. If the Dems no longer give a shit about winning, we're done.
Just say you scared. Nothing else. You don’t want to put no squeeze on nothing. Over 30% of Latinos voted FOR Trump and the Dems are still talking about legalizing 11 million of their people who CANT vote. Still putting Latinos in top cabinet positions. Stop it. You scared. The majority are scared to walk away from the Democratic Party. Niggas don’t even have to vote republican or libertarian. If 30% of African Americans just registered as something other then Democrat the party would be shook. You scared . It’s ok. You only know what you was told.

You can call me scared all you want. You still haven't answered the question.

This is why I sincerely feel ya'll are clowns. If you got a real well thought out strategy that takes into account known moves the other side can make and still has a good chance of success for working to our benefit, then great, let's build and let's do that. I can't stand corporate Dems. I didn't vote for Hillary or Biden, so saying I'm scared to abstain is stupid. But saying dumb shit like that is all you guys really have because you can't think past the nose on your face.
All ya'll talking trash about Dems, remember this:

Roughly 19% of black men and 9% of black women nationwide voted for Trump in 2020.

Some of ya'll ain't so innocent.