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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

You keep up bringing up that voting is contributing to the problem. Can you explain how not voting would help black people? For example, if all black people stopped voting tomorrow. What would improve for us?

never said voting is contributing to the problem.
Just say you scared. Nothing else. You don’t want to put no squeeze on nothing. Over 30% of Latinos voted FOR Trump and the Dems are still talking about legalizing 11 million of their people who CANT vote. Still putting Latinos in top cabinet positions. Stop it. You scared. The majority are scared to walk away from the Democratic Party. Niggas don’t even have to vote republican or libertarian. If 30% of African Americans just registered as something other then Democrat the party would be shook. You scared . It’s ok. You only know what you was told.

Thats it and thats all
White men who are used to getting their way this is how they vent. We’re just used to the system disenfranchising us to the point where we just accept it. This isn’t over they’re going to try more shit and it’s only going to get more dangerous...
Yall need to peep the thread from this tweet. They broke in, fought with police then when more back up came, the cops politely asked them to leave and escorted them out. Like they were at a park that just closed. Man wtf

Yall need to peep the thread from this tweet. They broke in, fought with police then when more back up came, the cops politely asked them to leave and escorted them out. Like they were at a park that just closed. Man wtf

this might be a set up